HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 18-39 EMERGENCY RESOLUTION TRANSFER pF FUNDS NO. 18'39 AN E\iERGENCY RESOLUTION PROVIDING THAT CERTAIN ~O~JNTS TO HAVE BEEN EXPENDED. ON PRELII~ItNARY AND i~IISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS (ITEhiS N~fBER 1 AND V OF STATE,lENT OF FUNDS AVAILAaLE) BE TRAi~SFERRED TO FUNDS AVAILABLE IN T~E CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT' 0F DOCICET N0. CALIF. 1892-F. WHEREAS, the immediate preservation of. the/public. peaCe, property, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of..Bakersfield require the passage of anemeFgency re- solution prOViding that certain amounts to have been'exPended On Preliminary and Z.liscellaneous:account'S.of F.W.A.DoCket .NO.. Calif. !892-F be transferredto funds available in the.Con-. . struCtion..Account of P.~.A. Docket No. Caiif.. 1892-F, AWDV~IEREAS, 'certain transfers of funds are. in the opinion of the' City of ~akersfield both desirable and essential, Ai.~D V~tEREAS, a resolution setting' forth such transfers of funds is required by t~e regulations of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public ~/orkS,. NOW, THERE]?0RE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COL~CIL OF THE. C'ZTY OF BAF~RSFIELD, as follows: 1. That the total of 'three thousand ·seven hundred and ten dollars (i~3,VlO.00), as:yet unexpended, which has been allotted tO-the~Ziscellaneous ac60unt of?.n~I.A. Docket No. Calif. .1892-Fbe transferred to the funds available·in the Construction. Account'of P.W.A. Docket No. Calif. i892-F. 2. That.thebalanceof three hundred fir.teen dollars. and eighty-eight cents ([)315.88) as yet unexpended which has been allotted to the Preliminary Account of ~.W.A. Docket No. Calif. 1892-F be transferred to'the funds available in the Construction Account.of p.W.A..Docket.No. Calif;'1892-F. 3. That the net amount to be transferred ·from the preliminary and MiscellaneoUS Ac'Counts tothe Construction Account is fou~ thousand twenty five dollars and eighty-eight Ai:fD BE IT ?URTHER RESOLVED that the City of Bakersfield request, and hereby so requests th'e approval of the Federal A6ministration of Public Works to make said transfers of funds in P.W.A. Docket No. Calif. 1892-F.. This resolution shall take effect from and :after its passage and approval. I HEREBY CERTI~ that the foregoing Emergency ResolUtion was passed and adopted by the-Council of the City of Baker'sfie~d'0n the 3~ day of April, 1939, at a regulaF meeting thereof, by the following vote: AYES~. ~,Otl.,E1"l, GI~T, KR~INaKI, t'./t~M~ELLRH, ~,~ITR, SOLL~RS, WIL~,ON ............... 7 .............. City Clerk and Ex-0ffiOio Cierk' of the Council of the Cityof Bakersfield. APPfi0VED by me this ~"~ day of April, 1939 · DIAYOR of tl~e City 'of ~akersfield.