HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 13-38ESO'i. UTZOi:! NO. 13'-38 A P,.E,.~0LU2IOiT ACC.::;PklfG .... 0F_':,3R 0Y TPD'.i t//'.fiT'l.'D S2AT:.-;:S TO Tlic:® CITY OP BAiij',R~?!i,b'O TO AiD BY '.L:O'j ON :~F~,i,N2 !N ::'IiY. i,iCIiTS k~i~'i COiYS,.iIU.C. TIOiY ON SE'sr,-'.e.; TN:S. dIi'!:.':'!T "~L'' '~''r'~ :.'JTC Be it re.solved by the Con~ncil of the City of :3alr. ersfie]_d: S!~,]CT]iON 1. That the offer of the Unl. ted States of America to the City of 3akersfield to aid by way of grant in financing the con- struction of Sewage Treatr_aent Il~l~ls. nt., :Etc., a 'copy. of which offe:c reeds as follows: 83012-63 FEDERAL EL~qIGU,ji,Y CY .!:Di ':i ':'a'l STi?i~TI ON 0P PD3LI C '. j'0Ri[S ':Tashington, D. C., Dated~'0ct. 13, 1938 Docket N0. Calif. iS92-F City of Bakersfield, Bakersfie!d, Oal!fornia'. !. Subject to the Ten~n.s and ,londitions (P:i.% i.'orm i~0. 230, as a:,uencled to the date of this Offer)~ uhiCh are na6. e a psr~ hereof~ the United .States of AT.~el, ica b_oPeby of:~ers to aid in financing the construction of s'seWa[~e disposal plant end of extensions to .a so'vet syntem, inctudin~, necesse~v !sboratory equipment and the acquisition of necessary land and ri0hts o:? way (her 'n called the {~Projec~-~}), em by ns. kinS a grant to tNe City of E~kersfield (herein called. the "Applicant") in the an~o~mt oP 45 perccnt of the cost of the Project upon coreDlotion, as deteruffned by ishe Federat l~,ner~:-Oncy Administrator of Public '.,Torks (herein called. the ::Adninis6rator'~}, but not to ceed', in any event, tho sum of (;90,e49. 2.18~ acceptance of this Offer tl,e Applicant covenants to begin work on the Project as cs?rlV as possible but .in n0 'event later tbzn 8 weeks from the date of this 0f2sP end to co~plete such Project -.vith-all practicable dispatch, and in any even% ~-d. thin 8' nonthe the co;n~:ncncemcnt of construction.' " 3. This Offor is '..,male subject to the 'express condition-the. t, 'if the Z6.ministrator shall determine at any tinte tb_at tho AppZics. nt has paid or c, Sreed to 'pay, whe-bher dirsc~ib:- or i:.,ndlrectly, a bonuS, conm~isslon or fee '50 s:ay person, fi.-~.~. or co~poration for attempt- inA; to procure an approval O.f: the .c'..ppiiCan~ 's s,pplication, or for al,le~fod services i:~- procuring'or Zn attemptinS 'be procure such. approval, or for actiyities of the 'na~zure co;'nj.o:.~ly 2zno~vn as lobby- in:,' performed or az;reed to be oarformed in connection with the application, o .... 'she A mg. nistrator shoal! brave the riSht, in his discretion, to rescind this Offer and any agraensnts resultinG herefron!, and, in-DEe event oZ. Such rescission, the United States of ~kmerica shall be ruder no further oblij~ation hemsunder. Federal :'~nergancy Adm-iniStra'tor of P~fol_tc '.~ orks '(Sgd', ) :,':[, '.Y, Clark the tnnt Ld~in.-tstrato:~? be and the so.;ue, is hereby 9_n all res'3ect.s acCep~;ed. Si]CTiOUzT 2, That .-zs. id Cit'y of ?!Zakersfiald agrees -be abi6e by all the ' Terms and Co.aditi. ons of said offer~ including the Terms end Condi- tions annexed thereto and made a part thereof, S/~CTZOZY 3 . , Tha'b ties City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed .forthwith to send to the ".-~ederal ~nerGency Adninis-bration of Public LVorks three certified c0pi. es of the proceedings of tl?..o Corneli of the City of ~akersfie!d in connection uith the adoption of this Resolution, setti:~g forth t~'s Reso!ut~on in -5~!~ ~d such fur'bber 'doc~nts or p~oofs in connection with the aCce:.Tbance of sai6 offer ss may be r~quest-~a by the Federal Y.;:mergency 'ldminis- tration of ]?ublic iforks. Ivtayor o:;f tb.e Ci'by of BaFEersfie!d. the Council of' th~ City of Bakers field, The a]jo~-~:: resolution ~.',ias seconded by and was sdop'bed, wlth the :~ollo~in~: vetin[5 aye: Bedart, Gist, -2- L{c_~iiltsn, Smith, :Solters, 4rilson. s~nd the followin~ voting nay: l~Yone. Th.e ]Tayor of the City of ]-3aL~ersfield tDeroupon declared said Resolution carried and the i,layor and City 'Clark the.ten!pen siftned said Resolution in approVa,t t.b. ereofo Co~ncit of the City of 'i.ake.~sflold.