HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 7-35HEBOLUTIOY,~ NO. 7-35 i:~i}PtiEAS the City of 0:,;nard has applied to the Public i'Jorks ACndnistratioa for v. i,~odoral f~rant of forty-five percent of the cost of the project to build ~ m-~icipal harbor .at Point A!~D 'J~'~E~: 'AS the constr'n. ction of an indv~t~ial tia~bo~ at u ..~s point r~oldd grsatly bonofit tho producers of cotton, oil, fruits, grain, and ~fi;l'~er f[orn County p~oducl;s~ as vrell as tho '~porto~s of building mato:;::ials, oilv~oll supplios and Ecno~:'sl ne~cban~;ise t}i~ov~k a saving. in truck and f~o:L~t x~ates hisale possiblo bocause of t~o sE~'on~tov haul~ both in disto~lco snd t~io, ovo~. oxistin~. port facilities, L;~0U, '~'BET~-~:.0~E ~-]h; XT FLjSOLVl,;D by '~C?s Co~cil of the City of Bakersfield t?~at the 0~n~srd Industrial l,]~arbor Project receive its hea?t~ ondoz~so:~ent, s. nd that our roprssc:~.tativos in Uasbington be urged to C~ivo it theire support; PH,VD B]~ IT .~.UI*~'fiE~;~jU ]i~i,.:,ILOL'~ ]?/~, theft a copy of tt~is rosolr.tion be forwarded to the Pablic ijor]:~s Ad~ainistration at iYasblngton~ D. C. ..... oO ....... I i~iEIE~.3f C?,RTI'~:Sf 'h!~s.t the forcC.~oini: Resolution was passed sa~d adopted by the Uov~.cil of the City of Bak~rsfield, s.t a fogylay x~ooti~-a thereof hold on the ~~day of ~, 1935, by the followinb vote: RYES: BARTLETT,-~EDDE~ GIST, ~E]i~/3~~ SOLLER$, WILSOI~ ................. Ci~i o~CC1 eLek of the Council of the City of Balersfield. AP~0Vi;D by rio this __ .j of  , 1935.