HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 05-35 ·-' .!...-' RESOLUTION NO. 5-35 A RE~OLUTION ESTABLISHING AlqD PROVIDING FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF A COI~IMUNITY RE- CREATI ONAL C.OMMISSION. .-_ ;~ 'BE IT RESOLVED BY T~. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, ;as follows: ~qiEREAS,~n~.certain public spirited residents of this City and community*have become interested in the more orderly promotion, ,.. -Z~ regulation· and sUperViSion of ~the recreational activities of the community; and, Ito that !en~:~,,idesire to form a voluntary Commission to have general charge and su~'ervision of such matters, and that said Commission ,~have Ir, ecognition by the City; 0w, T ORE, SE. IT RESOLVE. n: 1. That the City recognize such Community Recreational Commission as may.be organized by residents of the City and Community when articles and minutes of such organization are filed with and approved by the Council. ~. That xWhen so recognized said Connnission shall have control and supervision of all. recreational activities within the City, 'and the right ,~ Soli'9.it, petition for, receive and expend and lay out all funds whi'~h may be -allotted to it by the City or other public authority upon appropriations, relief projects, or otherwise. ! .. 5. The City shall have the right to withdraw such recog- nition at any time, and shall not be responsible in any way for any act or thing which the Commission may or may not do; and it is to be distinctly understood that the City shall have and undertakes to exercise no authority or control whatever over the activities of the Oommi s s ion ~ ~""' -i~'!' . .I 4.. Said.~Commiss!.o_n .s_..hal,1 be so Organized that it ,shall.~. deal with the City through its chief officers, and shall be composed of a supervisory committee of not more than seven members, to be known as the Bakersfield Community Recreation CommissiOn, and so that 'there shall be sufficient subordinatedcommittees and officers to adequately carry out. such prggram as it.~contemplates. ~'- ..... 00o ..... ': I HEREBY CERTIFY ~hat the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting-thereOfheld on the 22nd day of April, 1935, by the following 'vote: AYES: BARTLETT, BODEN, GIST, SIEMON, SMITH, SOLLERS, WILSON Cit Clerk of the ~ouncil of the City of .Bakersfield. MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield.