HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 4-34R E ~ 0 L U T I 0 N NO 4-34 BE iT RLSOLV]..D 2'Y THE COifNCIL OF TN.L CITY OP BAF3RnRIELD, as follows: Li~EREAS, the matter of the determination of the practic- ability and feasibility of a Diesel electric generating plant for the street lighting system of the City of Bakersfield requires a survey and investi~atioa as to the matters hereinafter stated, NOW, T~i.~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the City Engineer and the City Manager be and they are hereby instructed to prepare a report for the Council showing the present cost of street light- ing, both for the electroliers and. for the regular street lights, stating the same separately (said report to state whether the cost as shown calls for full or only partial operation), to prepare plans and an estimate of the cost of a municipal plant for the generation of electricity for the electroliers, general street lighting and other municipal purposes, to suggest the lay-out, including loca- tion of plant, the amount of energy required, the estimated horse- power for the operation of the plant, number of units, the required number and location of lines and conduits and such other matters necessary or required to be known by the Council in determining the probable cost of installation and operation of such plant, ..... o0o ..... I HEEEEY 3ERT]*~Y that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the day of ~ , 1934, by.the following vote: \ AYES: BODEN, GIST, STEMON, SMI'TH, SOLLEAS, WALTERS, W/LSON HOES, RBSI~HT= .................... City ~~lerk of APPR ~E~ m this day of ~ 1934, b e ~t Council of the Oity of Bakersfield, the