HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 10-33 RESOLUTION- NO. · 10-33 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ROUTING OF CERTAIN STATE HIGHWIAYS AND AGREEING - TO RESUME JURISDICTION OVER CERTAIN I- STREETS WHEN RELINQUISHED. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERS FIELD, as follows: WHEREAS,- under and by virtue of Chapter V6V of the Statutes of 1933, the Department of Public]·W0rks of the State of California '. -is authorized to.. expend annually from the .State .Highway fund an amount equal-tO one quarter of on,e cent (per gallon tax on motor vehicle fuel,' after the proportio.,nate payments therefrom into the' "Fuel tax enforcement fund" and after 'the proportionate refunds shall have been'made, within the incorporated cities'and' freeholder charter cities, and any city'and county in'the State of California,. for the purposes specified in said. chapter, and in the manner pro- vided by law, and WHEREAS, in accordance With the'provisions of said Chapter V6V~ and in accordance with the provisions. of SeCtions-363r and 363y of the political Code (Chapter 326 of the' Stat.Utes of 1933), the Department of'Public Works, acting by and through the California Highway Commission has designated as State .highways the following described streets in the :. Route 4. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, Kern County Through ,Bakersfield.. -3.18 miles Beginning at the southerly city~ limits on-Union Avenue,· thence northerly along Union Avenue to.I a -junction with State High- .way Route .4,under construction (Ker-4'G), ·thence northwesterly along said·State Highway (Ker-4-Gi to.'the northe.r._l.y city limits, a i distance c,f 3.18 miles, more or lesS, within the corporate limits of BakerSfield; Route 57., Within Bakersfield, 1,24 miles Beginning at the intersection of Sumner Street and Baker Street' (junction Route 58)., thence northeasterly along Baker Street to'Niles Street, thence southeasterly along Niles Street to the easterly city limitS, a distance 6f 1,24 miles, more or less, with, in the corporate limits of Bakersf.'ield; Route 58, Through BakerSfield, 3,62 miles Beginning at the westerly city limits 'at 25th Street and Oak Street; thence southerly along. Oak Street .to 24th Street; thence easterly along 24th Street to L Street; thence northerly along L Street tO .24th Street; thence easterly along 24th-Street to M Street; thence southerly along M S, treet to 24th Street'; thence easterly· along 24th-Street to jungt~on .RoUt'e .4 (Ker-4-G). -. :. ~ , Beginning agaln-a~ junction Route 4 (Ker-4~G), and 22nd Street, thence easterly aiong 22nd Street Z to Union AVenue, thence northeasterly along-'Union *Avenue to Sumner' Street; thence easterly along .Sumner stree~ to Truxtun Avenue; thence easterly .along .Tr~uXtun Avenue to the easterly city limits, a distafiCe of 3.8'2. miles, more or less, within the corporate limits of Bak~ersfield; Route 141. Within Bakers field. 3.16 miles .Beginning at the intersection of-Union Avenue and Brundage Lane (Junction Route 4), thence westerly along Brundage Lane to the westerly city limits. Beginning again at the intersection 'of the southerly city. limits and Oak Street; thence northerly along Oak Street to 24th StreetL~(Junqtip_n Route .58), a distance. of 3 ,~6__m~i~e-s,~ .mot_e_ 0r. less., within the corporate limits of Bakersfield--, ; -2. Route 142.. Within Bakers'field 0.28 mile Beginning at the juncltion Of ROute 4-(Ker-4'-G) anl Chester Avenue, thence northerly along' Che'ster Avenue to the northerly city limits, a distance of 0.~.6 mile, mpre or less, within the corporate limits of Bakersfield. : ! · All .of which said stree.t~s are .e~isting travelable streets in the City of Bakersfield, and approximately on the route. of the authorized State Highways, and WHEREAS, the Director off'Public WOrks and the .California Highway Commission have requested ~he ~City of Bakersfield to approve the routing hereinbefore described~ and to agree to resume jurisdic- tion over said city streets, or portions thereof, as may not be in- cluded in the State Highways, when~ the same are laid out, adopted, and c on s truc ted, NOW, I THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 'by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, that said city approve, and it'does. hereby appr0~e the' routing of said State Highway; !~ AND.. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that uponf. the._~_relinquishment of said streets, or any portion therebf, to the City of· Bakersfield in the manner provided by law, said city agrees, and .does hereby agree, to resume-jurisdiction over said streets,. or portions thereof, so relinqUished.. .... -o0o ..... I HEREBY CERTIFY that th~ foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by' the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof, held on the/~. day of _ , 1933, by the following vote: RYES: BODEN, GIST, SIEMON, SMITH, ,SOLLEp, S, WRLTERS, WILSON NOES: RBSE,T= 'APPROVED by-me this/~ -!: : ' _ day of 7~~~_,/1933 ~~erk 'of the ' ~~ City C1 (~B' Council of the City of Bakersfield'. MAY ~ o ' akersf ield