HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 9-33 RESOLUTION TO PAY;A PORTION OF'THE COST OF THE TRAFFIC CirCLE TO BE CONSTRUCTED. AT-THE INTERSECTION OFTHE. GOLDEN STATE: HIGHWAY WITH CHESTER AVENUE. -.. ; ~ , NO. '9-33 ; . · ,. ~ . -- -. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE C~UNCIL OF THE CIT~ OF BAKERSFIELD, that the Cityof Bakersfield pay 5o the'State of California; Depart- merit of Public Works, Division of]Highways, District. 6.,.out of the · .~ .. · · onesquarter (~) cent per gallon t~x fund to be received under and by Virtue of a Certain.act of'the'.Legislature. passed in the session of 1933, a sumnot'to exceed eight five hundred($8500.00) fdollars, tO be used in the construction of the circle at the intersection of the Golden' State Highway with Ohester Avenue, in the City of Bakersfield~ said sum to be paid as:and when the smne ·shall have been received by-the City of Bakersfield. I HEREBY CERTIFY 'l~at the foregoing ResolutiOn was passed ~ '. and adSpted'by the Council of the'City ~of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting 'thereof held on the · y;0f July,'i933,'by the follow- ing vote: AYES: BOOEN, GIST, MARTIN, SMITH, SOLLEAS, WALTERE, W~LSON . HOEs=. ~~ City C k of the 1933.