HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 6-33RESOLUTION! NO. ~6-33 BE IT RESOLVE BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIElD, as follows: WHEREAS, the Kern Coun..ty Land Company," a Corporation, did on the 17th day of April, 1933, file with the City Planning ~ommis- sion of the C'ity~ of Bakersfield,~California, s tentative map'of proposed Tract 1009; and WHEREAS, s aid Kern County LandCompany did, on the 2nd day of june, 1933, withdraw said ten~tative map. of proposed Tract'lO09, and did, on said 2nd day of June, 1933, re-file said tentative map together with a verified petition~ petitioning that an exception be granted to the provisions of Sec~iQn 12 (g) o'f Ordinance No. 364 New Series of the saidGity of Bakersfield,· adopted by the City Council of said City on the 4th day of May, 1931, insofar as said provisions apply to said tentative map,- said petition having been filed under the provisions of Sedtion '13 of said ordinance and conforming thereto; and WHEREAS, said proposed 'lexception, as 'set forth in said petiti0n~ iS as folloWS, to-wit:... That the lots in-said proposed Subdivision be of widths of twenty'five '(SS)'~feet, as shown on said tentative map, and of such areas as are Shown thereon, instead of being of the widths and areas required 'by said'Section lS ( of said ordinance; and WHEREAS, said City Planning Commission 'did, by a resolu- tion thereof adopted m the 2nd day of June, 1933, make a report .on said petition and did find as.follows with respect· thereto, to- wit: 1. That there are special circumstances and conditions affecting the property shown upon~ said tentative map, as follows: That all the lots situated in that portion of the City of Bakersfield in which said proposed subdivision lies., have front- ages or widths of twenty-five (25) feet,. except corner lots, which' have approximate frontages of thirty-two (32) feet, and the aver- a-ge depth of I such lots is approximately one hundred twenty-two (1BS) feet. 2. That the granting ~f the exception se~ forth in the aforesaid petition is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights of the petitioner, for the following reasons, to-wit: ~ That the Petitioner has~ found, after many years of experience' in the sale of business or residential properties in the City of Bakers field, that it ~is more convenient and desirable to have lots with a minimum width of 28. feet, rather than the limi- tation of average widths and area of lots provided in Section 12-.(g) of Ordinance No. 364 New Series, '!adopted ·by the Council of the City of Bakersfield,'Qn· the 4th day of Nay, 1931. Such regulations could in-no way limit the sale of property to the areas included within the delineated' lot lines without invading ~the property rights of the owner - 3. That the granting oil. the petition will not be materially detrimental to the public health,! safety,· Convenienc'e-and general welfare, or injurious to other prpperty in-the territory in which said proposed~ subdivision is situated, for-the following reasonS, to-wit: That no detriment will ~!oc. cur to-prOperty adjacen~t to said proposed subdivision, and that your Petitioner is the owner of a large area of the property within the corporate limits of the City of Bakersfield adjoining said proiposed~subdivism0n, upon the North, the West and South sides thereof.~ The establishing of minimum lot widths and area in said Subdivision 1009 of the dimensions delin- eated upon said tentative map wil'~l be uniform with lot width and area 0f -the large Inumber of othe~ lots owned-by Peti~tioner adjlacent to said proposed subdivision, as will be seen by reference to the Map entitled "Sales Nap of the Ke~rn County Land Company showing Subdivisions of its Additions to ~the City of Bakersfield, County · of Kern, California" which Map was 'filed' in the office of the , County Recorder'. of said Kern County on the 19th day of April, 1904'. AND WHEREAS, said City Planning Commission did recommend~ that the City Council of said CityI authorize said City Plarn~ing Commission to approve said tentative map, with the~ exception of said Section 12 (g) of said Ordinance ~ranted as set forth in said petition, NOW, THEEFOE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said City Council in regular meeting assembled on the .5th day. of June, 1933,' does here- by authorize said City Planning Commission to approve said tentative map of said proposed Tract 1009 as hereinbefore set forth; and be it further resolved that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to. said City Planning C ommi s s ion. ..... o0o ....... I EREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City .of Bakersfield on the 5th day of June, 1933, by the following vote: AYES: BOOEN, G~[ST, MARTIN, SMITH,, SOLLERS, WRLTERS, W~XLSON NOES: ABSENT: ___~/ - - -City ~erk and['Ex-officio Clerk o~' the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED by. me this 5th day of June, 1933. .~YOR the City of Bakers field.