HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 4-33RESOLUTION NO. ·4-33 BE IT RESOLVEO BY TEE COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF 'BAKERSFIELD, as follows: WHEREAS, the major portion of the State Highway funds de- rived from the Gasoline Tax orig~inates within the cities of the State, and ~ WHEREAS, the State law at present does not require that any of such funds shall be retur, ned direct to cities for highway purposes, and WHEREA~, to'continue the present system of allocation under the existing law deprives the motoring public of the fulleat benefits of the tax paid by it, and ~TEEREAS, the League of California Municipalities has caused to be introduced on January 26, 1933, Assembly Bill No. llV2 into the State Assembly - intended to remedy and amend said exist- ing law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Bakers- field approve and recommend said Assembly Bill No. 1172 and further, to apprise~ State Senator James I. Wagy and Assemblyman R. L. Turner by sending to them certified copies of this reS01ut~ion,' fully en- dorsing 'the League of California Municipalities' !'Five Point Program" which reads as follows: The County to receive one and one-half cent of the present three Gent Gasoline Tax. The present method of allocation on 'the basis of automobile registration to be follo~ved. In the Countiesi of the State, Gasoline Tax money shall be distributed as follows: (a) The County~ shall retain all funds aris- ing from the rural registration of .the c oun ty .... (b) Of the balance, the Cobu-~ty .shall retain fifty per Cent, and the remaining fifty per cent shall be divided among the cities on !the basis of their automobile regis tration. .(c) Present proviSmonS relative to counties* having less than thirty-five hundred re- gistrations to be changed to increase the quarterly guarantee fifty per cent, or from $5,000 to $V,500. Prior to expenditure of-sUch Gasoline Tax moneys, the cities and county shall prepare a street and highway plan which shall designate the traffic thoroughfares upon iwhich such~money sh~ll be ex- pended. The intent Of this provision being-that Gasoline Tax money is to be expended on the basis of traffic needs rS. gardless of political boundary lines. The Act shall provide authority for interchange of Gasoline Tax moneys on the part of the cities and county where such interchange is found necessary or desirable in a cooperative plan to build and maintain streets and highways included in the plan. Legislation now effective relative to automobile registration to be' amended making it mandatory for the applicant to d~signate the domicile of his motor vehicle. The intent of this legislation will be to establish definitely the rural and municipal registration within the County. ooo I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the Vth day of ~arch,.193~, by .the.following vote: RYES: BEt{SON, BODEIt, CRRLOCK, HF_..RDEIt; .,lO~ItSOIt, I,,1RRT'[N, W'RLTEIIS HOES: ...... ~ """" City Cle f Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROVED by me this Vth day of ~,,!arch, 1933. ~AYOR of the City of. Bakersfield.