HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 2-33 IN RE STATE HIGHWAY DESIGNATb' AS ROAD VI-KER-4-G .... RE~OLUTION .CONSENTING TO. RELINQUIS~ENT~ BY CALIFORNIA -HIGFFYAY COmmISSION TO CITY OF BAKERSFIELD .:. (Political Code 365 D)~: NO". 2-33 On motion of Councilman Carri ed, it i s ordered that the following resolution be, and the same is. hereby adopted, to wi t: WHEREAS, the California'Highway Commission did, on the Z8th day .of ~y, 1931, .adopt, layout, and designate a State highway extending throu~'~:the. City of Bakersfield connecting with the existing State highway on the north and" south of said city, said"State highway-so adopted,· layed out, end designated forming ~ part of the so-called Union Avenue to Oil Tank Farm Project, Road 'VI-Ker-4-G,"~d WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works of ~the State of California, acting by and through the Division of Highways, pro- poses to construct said State highway through. said City.of Bakersfield on the mute hereinbefore' referred to, and WHEHEAS;I upon· the compl et ion of -said' State highway, the California .Highway· Commission proposes to relinquish to the City of Bakersfield that portion 'o'f said highway within said City, and 'more particularly described as follows: From Union Avenue northwesterly on the westerly side of and parallel to the Southern Pacific Railroad, to the northerly City Limits of the City of Bakersfield, as shown on that certain plan and profile designated as State Highway. VI-Kem-4-G through Bakersfield. : NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the..City Council of the City· of Bakersfield that it consent to and said Council does hereby consent to; such re. linqui shment=;by=ss-id~.~Ca=l!iforni~ighwsy ....... Commission, ~nd ~the reversion to said City of Bakersfield of the Control and maintenance, upon!. the completion thereof, of that Portion~of the State highway within the municipal' limits of said'City, as heroinbefore in this resolution described. I HEREBY CERTIFY' that the foregoing Resolution' was passed .and adopted by the CounCil of ~he City of Bakersfield on the ~-~ day of ~ , 19S~, by the following vote: . r-,';E~: D~ttZOt BODEN, CARLOCK, 'HERDEN, ~OtitISON, MARTIN, WALTER8 · ................... : ............ City Clerk md ex~fficio Clerk of' the Comcil of th'e City of B~ersfield. , ~yor of the City of" B~ersfield.