HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 4-26RESOLUTION NO. 4-26 A RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE JUDI- CIAL COUNCIL AMEI~YDME~Ff TO THE CON- STITUTION OF THE 'STATE OF CALIFORNIA, KNOWN ON THE BALLOT AS CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT NO. 27 · WHEREAS,. it has come to the attention of this Council that the California State Bar Association have been instrumental in putZing on the ballot for the ~eneral election to be held on Tuesday, the 2rid day of November, 1926, an amendment to the State Constitution, known as the judicial Council A~endment and known on the ballot as Constitutional ~nendment No. 2V; and WHEREAS, it is found that this amendment is endorsed by the Supreme Court Judges, Appellate Court Judges, and the Superior Court Judges, of the State of California, the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco, the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce and many other clubs and associations; and ~EREAS, the amendment known as Constitutional imendment No. 2V provides for the appointment of a Council, headed by the Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court. The purpose of said Council shall be to lay down and provide rules of procedure and practice in our Superior Courts, Appellate Courts and Supreme Courts; the purpose being to provide a method by which the Supreme Courts and Appellate Courts may handle the litigation that is pend- ing before them with more expedition~ as it is known that our State Supreme Courts and Appellate Courts are some three years back in their work. NOW THEREFORE, the CoUncil of the City of Bakersfield, recommends the adoption of the Judicial Council Amendment to the Constitution of the State of California, known as Constitutional Amen~nent No. 2V on the ballot, and urge its passage. ---oOo--- I HEREBY CERTIFY that'the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of~the City of Bakersfield on the ~/~ day of October, 1926, by the following vote: Ayes: ' nson, Carlisle. Catlock, G~iflitl~ l~ar'dn. ~onex cio Clerk of 'the Council of the City of Bakersfield. AP~th~is_ ~~d_ay' of October, MAYOR o~r~field · 1926.