HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 2-26RESOLUTION. 2-26 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EMPLOYT_'~IENT OF PERSONS AhqD THE EXPEi~ITURE OF ~.:~OI, IEY' FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE RED LIGHT ABATEM.E~F~ ACT, PROItIBITION LAWS, AYD 0TKER LA~jS, ~k}H) THE ORDINANCES' OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY'AUDITOR TO DRAW WARRANTS, NOT EXCEv,3DING TWO THOUSAND ($2000.00)DOLLARS, UPON L~ITTEN ORDER 'THEREFOR · V~EREAS, the imnediate preservation of the public health, peace, and safety, and the daily operation of the Police Department, require the passage of an emergency Resolution providing for the employment of persons and the expenditure of money in the enforce- ment of laws and ordinances affecting the public welfare; and %~EREAS, it is the desire of the Council of the City of Bakersfield that all proper means be employed for the suppression of vice and immorality, and the enforcement of all.laws and ordi- nances affecting the public welfare; NOW TI-EREFOL~E, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL 0F THE ~ TY OF BAERSFIELD, as follows: That the City ~,~anager be authorized, and he is hereby authorized to .employ such persons and to expend such money as he may deem fit and proper for the purpose of suppressing vice and imnorality, and for procuring evidence to be Placed before the proper authorities, for the enforcemen~ of the Red Light Abatement Act, Prohibition Laws, or any other law, o~Y~rdinance of the City of Bakersfield, where such evidence is necessary for, or would aid in the enforcement of such Act, Law or Ordinance; said expenditures to be approved by the City Attorney of said City of Bakersfield, and the City Auditor is hereby empowered and directed to draw a warrant, or warrants, on the City Treasurer, upon the written order of said City Manager, duly approved by said City Attorney, not to exceed in the aggregate the sum of TWO THOUSAND (~2000.00) DOLLARS. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, st a regular i=~SOLUTI01q. NO. 1-26 A RESOLUTIOi~ DEbiGN~'~TIi~G THE CHARACTER OF OFFICIAL ',vAR~iI~G AND DI[cECTIOI~ ~IG~S iN THE CiTY OF Bp. KE:~SFIELD, PROVIDING FOR THE SAblE BEII~G UNIFORlvi .'-,-ND PKOVIDit~G FOH THE EitECTION TttE~OF. ~HEREAS, the City Council of the City of Bakers- field did on the 14th day of December, 19~5, adopt an ordinance regulating traffic upon the pubJ. ic streets of said city; and V~HERE~S, Section 3 of said ordinance requires that the City Council shall determine and designate the character of all official warning and direction signs and signals erected or to be erected upon the public streets in said city, and said ordinance further p~vides that all signs authorized or required thereunder for a paT. ticular purpose shall be uniform; and ~hkF. i~_5, the Automobile Club of Southern California has heretofore under authoz=ization of Said 0ity C'ouncil, without cost to Said city, provided numerous street warning, ~irection signs and signals of a standard character; NO~'.~ THER~O~E, BE. IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF ifiE CITY OF Bp~KERSFI'~LD, that said Council does hereby designate the street warning, direction signs and signals erected and maintained by the Automobile Club of Southern California as the oilcial signs of the City of Bakersfield, the character of which is more particu- larly described and illustrated in the pamphlet entitled "illustra- tions of the Various Types of Road Signs as erected and maintained by the Automobile Club of Southern California," which said pamphlet is on file with the City Clerk of' the City Council, subject to such modifications in the character of said signs and signals erected by the Automobile Club of 5outl-_.ern California as may from time to time be ap_proved by the said City Coun, cil. ~ AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that said City Council will not permit the erection of any ~; arning or direction signs or signals upon or along the streets bf said city, except by the Automobile Club of Southern California, as long as that organization continues such street singposting Work in'g m~ner satisfactory to the said City COuncil and without cost to the City of Bakers- field. . ---000--- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed ~nd adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the //~A~ day of January, 1928, by the following vote: Cl'erk of~"t'he Council of the City of Bakersfield. AP ~' ~' ' s //~ day of January, 1926. - 2 -