HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 5-25A HESOLUTI0i~ GttAIi.rTING TO THE GARDE]~ CLUB OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD THE RIGHT TO USE CLRTAIN PROPEi{TY SITUATED ~.fITHIN THE CENTRAL PARK IN T~IE CITY OF BAKERSFI.~IjD AND PRESCRIB- ING THE TERiL2 THEREOF, NO. 5-25 '[~EREAS, the Garden Club of the City of Bakersfield, represent that they are desirous of having the City of Bakersfield~ grant to them the right to use certain property situated ~ithin the Central Park in the City of Bakersfield, as is described herein below, for the purpose of constructing a Japanese building to be used en- tirely for the display of flowers grown within this City; AND wH~REAS, it is represented that the public will be allowed to attend the display; and that the structure will be an improvement to the property of the City of Bakersfield; and that tRe City of Bakersfield shall not be liable for any ~xpense in connection with the use of the property, Construction of building and the main- tenance and upkeep thereon, BE IT'RXSOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF B~KEt~SFIELD, that the Garden Club of the City of Bakersfield, be given the use of the following described property situtated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of 21st Street with the westerly right of way line of the Kern island Canal and running thence westerly along the southerly line of 21st Street a distance of 355 feet; thence southerly at right angles a distance of 264 feet to the northerly line of 20th Street produced; thence easterly along the said northerly line of 20th Street produced to the westerly right of way line of ~id Kern Island Canal; thence northeasterly along the said westerly right of way line of the Kern Island Canal to the intersection of the southerly line of 21st 'Street and the point of beginning. The use of the property hereinabove described is subject to the following conditions: FIRST: That the right to use said property and to construct building thereon shall be termed a mere license on the part of the 'Garden'~Club of the'City of Bskersf'ield;'and that said use or r'ight may, at any time, be revoked by the C6uncil 6f the City of Bakersfield, by giving a / months notice before the intended termination of the use of said property; and that upon the expiration of said time the right to use said property sh~ll. ipso facto terminate and all-rights given to the said property shall be at an end; and all bdildings' and structures shall thereupon be removed and taken from said property. SECONB: That the expenses in the construction and maintenance of said buildings, structures and improvements shall be at the sole -expense of the said Garden Club; and that the said Garden Club shall bear all expenses-in connection with the maintenance and upkeep of said property. THIRD: That the Garden Club of the City of Bakersfield shall maintain and conduct their display,on said property,free to the public and no charge shall be made for admittance thereto; and said Garden Club shall at all times keep said property and the improvements thereon in a clean and neat condition and free from all debris. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon the Garden Club of the City of Bakersfield going upon the property described in this resolu- tion and· commencing the construction of buildings and other improve- ments thereon, that these acts shall constitute ~n'~,accept'~nce:.of:-~atl the terms and conditions of this resolution on the part of the Garden Club of the City of Bakersfield and require their compliance therewith. .... o0o .... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed end adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the ~3~ day of March, 1925, by the following vote: Ayes-Ans~i,~, Baer, Carlisle. Carlock, GrifBth, Haberfelde, Stoner Hoes ......... .......... ........................................................................................ Absent .............................~ ..................................................................... t~~C APPROVED this ? 4day of Ci o Clerk of the M~ _ Council of the City of Bakersfield. MAYOR of the Gity of Bakersfield.