HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 14-23RESOLUTION. NO. 14-23 RESOLUT ~N ACCEPTING CONVEYANCE OF THE BAKERSFIELD INVESTMENT C CMPANY, a corporation, CONVEY- ING CERTAIN SEWERS TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FOR PUBLIC SEWERS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B~XERSFIELD, as follows: WHEREAS, the Bakersfield Investment Company, a corpora- tion, by Louis V. Olcese, its president and W. H. Hill, its assistant secretary, have executed a Conveyance dated August 30th, 192S, wherein the Bakersfield Investment Company, a corporation, by Louis V. Olcese, its president and W. H. Hill, its assistant:secre- tary have conveyed certain sewers in theIAlta Vista Tract in the City of Bakersfield, and have delivered the Conveyance therefor to the Council of the said City of Bakersfield, with the request that same be used for public sewers, which are.more particularly described as follows: A ten (lO) inch cement concrete sewer beginning at the manhole in the existing sewer main in Tulare Street at a point 166 feet southerly from the northerly line of Monterey Street and 28.75 feet easterly from the easterly line of Tulare Street and running thence Westerly through the alley in Blocks 43 and 44, City of Bakersfield formerly Kern, a distance of 938.75 feet to-a manhole in Sonora Street SO feet westerly from the easterly line of Sonora Street, thence northerly along said Sonora Streeet, 30 feet westerly from and parallel to the easterly line of Sonora Street a distance of 424.84 feet to a manhole; An eight (8) inch cement Concrete sewer beginning at the manhole in the intersection of Sonora ~nd Hoover Streets, Alta Vista Tract, and running thence westerly a distance of 21S.55 feet to a manhole in Hoover Street at the intersection of the center line of the first alley lying westerly of Sonora Street and parallel thereto; thence northerly along the center line of said alley a distance of llVS.02 feet to a manhole; A six (8) inch cement concrete sewer beginning at the manhole at the intersection of the center line of the alley in Block ll Alta Vista Tract with'~h~ center~line of the alley in Block 15 Alta Vista Tract extended easterly and running northerly along the center line of said alley first,_~westerly, of Sonora Street to the southerly line of Bernard Street; also A six .(6) cement concrete sewer be ning at the manhole in the intersection of Hoover and Sonora Streets and running thence ~ortherly on a line ZO feet westerly from and parallel to the easterly line of ~onora Street a distance of 161.18 feet to a manhole; thence easterly on a straight'~-line to a manhole in Nites Street at the intersection Of the first alley lying easterly of Sonora Street and running parallel thereto; thence northerly along the Center line of said alley last described to a lamphole V0 feet northerly from the northerly line of Jefferson Street; also A six (6) inch cement concrete sewer beginning at the manhole at the intersection of the center lines of the alleys in Block 20 Alta Vista Tract, and running thence easterly along the center line of the alley a distance of 15V.5 feet to a lamphole; also A six (8) inch cement concrete sewer beginning at the manhole at the intersection of the center lines of the alleys in Block 30 Alta Vista Tract, and running thence easterly along the center line of the alley a distance of 217.5 feet to a lamphole; also A six (8) inch cement concrete sewer beginning at the manl~bl,s at the intersection of the center line of the alleys in Block 5 Alta ViSta'Tract and running thence easterly along the center line'of the alley a distance of 21V.8 feet to a lamphole; also A six (6) ince cement concrete sewer beginning at a lamphole on trs~ center line of the alley in Block 42 Alta Vista Tract and 20 feet easterly from the easterly line of Inyo Street and running thence easterly along the center line of said alley a distance of 46.V5 feet; also A six (6) inch cement concrete sewer beginning at the intersection of the center line of the alleys in Block 4 Alta Vista Tract and running thence easterly along the center line of the alleys in Blocks 4 and 55 said Alta Vista Tract a distance of 496 feet to a lamphole; also A six (6) inch cement concrete sewer beginning at the intersection of the center lines of the alleys in Block 3 Alta Vista Tract and running thence easterly along the center lines of the alleys in Blocks 3 and 66 said Alta Vista Tract a distance of 620 feet to a lamphole; also A six (6) inch cement concrete sewer beginning at the intersection of the center lines of the alleys in Block R Alta Vista Tract and running thence easterly along the center lines of the'alleys in Blocks ~ and i said Alta Vista Tract a distance of 69V.5 feet to a lamphole; also A six (6) inch cement concrete sewer beginning at the manhole in the intersection of the alleys in Block 14, Alta ViSta Tract, and running thence westerly along the center line of the alley a dis- tance of ~91 feet to-a lamphole; also A six (6) inch cement concrete sewer beginning at the manhole in the intersection of the alleys in Block 13 Alta Vista Tract and running thence westerly along the center line of the alley a distance of 395 feet to a lamphole; also A six (6) inch cement concrete sewer beginning at the manhole in the intersection of the alleys in Block 1S Alta Vista Tract and running thence westerly a long the center line of the alley a distance of 480 feet to a lamphole; 'also A six (6) inch cement concrete sewer beginning at the manhole at the intersection of the center line of the alley in Block ll Alta Vista Tract, with the extension easterly of the center line of the alley in Block 15, Alta Vista Tract, and running thence westerly along said extension and the center line of said alley in Block 15 a distance of 573 feet to a lamphole; also A six (6) inch cement concrete sewer beginning at the manhole in the intersection of the alleys in Block lO Alta Vista Tract and running thence westerly:along the center line of the alleys in Blocks 10_ and 16 in said, Alta ~ista Tract adistance of 668 fee~ to a lamphole; also A six (8) inch cement concrete sewer beginning at the manhole' in the intersection of the alleys in Block 9 Alta Vista Tract, and running thence westerly along th6°center line of the alleys in Blocks 9 and 1V said Alta VistasTract a distance of 762 feet to a lamphole; also a A six (8) inch cement concrete sewer.beginning at the manhole at the intersection of the alleys in Block 8 Alta Vista Tract and running thence westerly along the center line of the alley ~ distance of 296 feet to a imphole; also A six (6) inch cement concrete sewer beginning at the manhole &t the intersection of the center lines of the alleys in Block 6 Alta Vista Tract and run'ning thence westerly along the center line of the alley a distance' of 390 feet to a'lamphole; also Including all manholes, lampholes, Y branches, risers or other appurtenances installed in said sewer system as above described. All of the above described work is shown in detail on plans and profiles entitled "Plans for lateral sewers in Alta Vista Tract," approved by the City 0ouncil of the City of Bakers- field on the 1Sth day of March, 1923 are on file in the office of the Cit~ said plans and profiles · Engineer of the City of Bakersfield, California, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this Council does here- .by accept said conveyance for and in behalf of said City, and do hereby declare that said sewers as described in said Conveyance .be and the same are hereby dedicated as public sewers. The Clerk of this Council is hereby authorized and directed to cause said Conveyance to beI filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, California. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of .the City of Bakers field, on the ~L day of September, 1923, by the following vote: Ayec-~, Raer, Carlisle, Carlock, Griffith, Haberfelde~ Stoner APPROVED this ~day of City S~ ~ Counc, - · il · ! f~~ ~ of th C ayor e ity o C 1 e~k o f the of the City of Bakersfieldo