HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 12-23Resolution. NO. 12-23 Resolution accepting grant contained in Deed Dated July 26th, 1923, ~vhere- in H. S. Jewett, conveys certain real property to the City of Bakersfield, for street purposes. BE IT RESOLVED o~Z THE COUNCIL OF'THE CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: I~H~REAS, H. S. ~JEVt~ETT, has executed a Deed dated July S6th, 19S5, ~herein H. S. Jewett, grants certain lands to the City of Bakersfield, and has delivered said Deed. to the Council of the Cit~r of Bakersfield, with the request that ~ame be used for the purposes set forth in said Deed, said lands being more particularly- described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of 21st Street, where the sam_e is intersected by the easterly line of Block 186, said Block being as shown ef "l,~ap of the city of Bakersfield, County of i~e~n State of California." Filed in the office of the , County Recorder of Kern County, State of California,-November 1898, and runnin~ thence southerly on a direct extension of the easterly line of Bloek 186, a distance of 3Y5 feet; thence easterly at right an~les to said extension a distance of 15 45 feet; thence northerly on a line parallel with said extension a distance of feet to its intersection with the extension easterly of the south- erly line of said Block 186; thence' westerly along said extension 15.45 feet to the point of beginning. And whereas, said H. S. Jswet. t, has requested that said land so gr~nted be dedicated for the use and purposes of a public street. NO!., TH~'~REFORE, BE tT RESOLVED: that this Council does hereby accept said Grant for an~ in behalf of said City, and do hereby declare that said lands as described in said Deed be and the same are~hereby dedicated a p~blic street. The Clerk of this Council is hereby authorized and directed to cause said Deed to be filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, California. ..... I HALREBi~CERTi~ that~the foregoing~e~olution was passed and adopted by the °ouncil of the City of Bakersfield, on the . y of July, 1923, by the followin~ vote: ........ ~...f~.~ .................fl..i"'i .............l...'il..fl ........'fl ......fflUffffl City lerk of Council of the Cit}T of Bakersfield. D~ "' '~ .this ~.~gYjqday of July~ 1923. Mayor of the Oity . the