HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 8-23RESOLUTION. NO. 8-23 A RESOLUTION AUTHORiZiNG THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A]~ AGREE~Ii.EzNT ON BE- 1 HALF OF THE CITY OF BAFJ~RSFIELD WITH MYERS & STOLL, A CO-PARTNERSHiP, FOR TIlE CONSTRUC- TION OF A KELLASTONE FLOOR IN THE BATH HOUSE S Ii' UATED AND LOCATED AT THE EAST SIDE PARK SWIMS, lING POOL IN THE CiTY OF B~KERSFIELD. as follows: BE IT RESOLVED BY:THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF BAKERSFIELD. W!!EREAS, it aOpears that MYERS & STOLL, a co-partner- ship, is the lowest responsible bidder for the donstruction of a Kellastone floor in the Bath House situated and located at the East Side Park Swinming Pool in the City of Bakersfield; NOW THEREFORE BE iT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Bakersfield does hereby authorize and direct the Mayor and City Clerk of said City to execute an agreement on behalf of the City of Bakersfleld with ~yers & Stoll, a co-partnership, for the construction of a Kellastone Floor; And it is further ordered that the City Auditor of said City is hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in favor of Myers & Stoll, a co-partnership, in the amounts and at the time specified in said contract. I !tEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the day of June, 1923, by the following vote: ly~s-Austir B~er Carlisle, Carlock, Gri~th. r.nrsBerfelde, Stona~ ........... .................................................................................................... Absz:: ..............~ .................................................................................................. APP-ROVED this ~J~V - City o Clerk of eml of the Cmty of Bakersfmeld. M~yor of ' i ~v of~ersfield. the