HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 2-23RESOLUTION. NO. 2-23 A RESOLUTION ENDORSING CERTAIN MEASURES COMING ON BEFORE THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: WHEREAS, the difficulties of enforcing Justice in our courts has brought about a condition that makes for crime among the criminally inclined, and WHEREAS, said difficulties appear to be due for the most part to the mechanical difficulties of the relations between Judge and Jury, the functionings of each, and inadequate penalties for crime of a serious nature, and WHEREAS, a program of penal reform, including two amend- ments to the State Constitution, has been endorsed by the Los Angeles Crime Commission and the Los Angeles County Bar Association, said program being summarized as follows: (1) A constitutional amendment providing that three fourths of a Jury may return a verdict in criminal cases except where such verdict involves the death penalty. (2) A constitutional amendment ~iving judges the right to comment on the evidence and to advise Juries on questions of fact as well as of law, as is done in the Federal Courts and in England. (3) A bill amending the Penal Code to provide that probation shall not be open to persons con- victed of cri~es of violence involving the use of deadly ~eapons, no~ to public officials found guilty of brSbery, embezzlement or extortion. (4) A bill decla~Ing that robbery involving torture of the victim or use of a deadly weapon shall be adJudged first degree robbe~ punishable by a minimum . ~of ten years in the penitentiary. (8) A bill declaring that the minimum value of stolen property, the theft of which constitutes grand larceny, shall be $200 instead of $80 as at present. (8) A bill declaring that burglary of a dwelling where the criminal is armed with a deadly weapon shall be first-degree burglary; that the entry by night or with a deadly weapon of any building not used as a dwelling shall be second-degree burglary; that all other burglaries ~hall be third-degree; -1- there shall be a minimum penalty of ten, five and one year's imprisonment for each of these respective degrees of burglary. (V) A bill providing more severe penalties for crimes commlted by persons armed with deadly weapons, this being considered in each case to consti- tute a higher degree of crime. Rape, arson, robbery and grand larceny are particularly mentioned in this connection. (8) A bill providing for enlargement of the State Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation. (9) A bill making it optional with a trial Judge whether or not he shall sign a certificate of pro- bable cause upon application of a person convicted of crime. (lO) A bill making it a felong for any prisoner to escape from the custody of the sheriff of any county, whether or not -such prisoner is confined in Jail. AND WHEREAS, this program iS designed to beter the crime ,situation not only in this city and county but in all parts of the State of California, and ~appears to be well designed and thought- f~l ly carried out, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Bakersfield endorse these measures, and recommend them for the consideration of other city councils in all parts of California, and to the sena- tots and assemblymen from this district. I BEEBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the day of February, 1923, By the following vote: Fe , . uncil of the City Of B~ersfield. f the ~%~y of Bakersfield . .