HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 20-22RESOLUTION. NO. 20-22 THAT V~FiEAS it has been brought to the attention of the Council of the City of Bakersfield that the Secretary of Agriculture has approved a program for the construction of hi~ways in the National Forests which is to be financed largely from the Highway Fund provided under the Federal Highway Act° And that the State of California will receive in the neighborhood of One ~i!lion, Two Hundred Forty-six Thousand, One Hundred Ninety-seven Dollars (~1,246,19V.00) as its portion thereof; AND ~IEREAS the Santa Barbara National Forest was set aside by a proclsmaation of President Roosevelt, December 22, 1902 and comprises an area of One liillion, Nine Hundred Thirty-five Thous- and and Forty-four (1,935,044) acres and lies in the counties of Los Angeles, Ventura, Kern, Santa Barbara and San Luis 0bispo; AND ~!EREAS the said Santa Barbara Forest can be easily reached from the populated portions of central and southern California within a few hours ride by automobile; tND ~EREAS the said reserve is comprised of many beautiful streams, forestand lofty mountain peaks, elevation of the peaks ranging from 6500 feet to 8800 feet or higher. The higher elevations of the mountains are covered with forests of pine, spruce, fir and 'cedar; on the lower elevations will be found an abundance of buckeye,'live oak, alder, juniper, etc.; brush of all varieties such as live oak, scrub oak, manzanita, lilac, wild berries with wild flowers in profusion throughout. The streams which furnish water in abundance for the wild animals and o~ame found throughout this forest add to the picturesque view and scenic ~onders of these mag- nificent mountains. AND V~HEREAS there are many beautiful meadows and valleys throughout the forest where delightful camps and cabins could be made or constructed either in the valleys or meadows among the lofty pines. -1- AND~tEREiI~S the sly fox, cunning coyote, the padded foot wildc~at and the fleet looted deer are to be seen daily, and where they live in quietness and repose in this inspiring reserve which at the present is only accessible by trail or wagon road, and should highways or roads be built and constructed in said reserve, it would be accessible from the coast line of the State Highway and also from the Ridge Route State Highway; and should the Santa Naria and Naricopa Highway be constructed, another entrance to said forest would thereby be opened, and thus make such scenic wonders available to the lovers of nature, and where the tired or weary within a short dis- tance from their homes and within a few hours ride could commune with nature and rest at ease free £rom worries and toil in the shade of the forests beside the cool, clear trickling waters of the springs which abound upon the mountains, on the banks of the beautiful streams or beneath the stately pines. AND WHEREAS, by the construction of the highways into and the opening of this Forest, travel would be stimulated, and the entire state (particularly those counties bordering on the Highway) would receive a commercial advantage ~y the additional distribution of a considerable amount of money along the route, from the visitors and motorists to said reserve. AND V~EREAS plans ~e been initiated to construct a s~mmer library center at Frazier ~ountain for the~purposes of research, particularly in the study of plant life; it has also been suggested that the universities in California may select a sight in this reserve for the further sutdy of wild flowers, shrubs and ~ tree~s. AND WHEREAS one-third of the population of the State of California reside in these five counties, namely Kern, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles and San Luis Obispo, it is deemed only fitting and proper that this one-third population of this State should have access to this wonderful reserve, as heretofore most of the forest reserves and their improvements have been confined to the Northern portion of California. NO~;il, _~_EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIElD: that this Cou,ncil, appreciating the great advantages to be derived from this proposed ~mprovement, does hearti- ly endorse the movement of constructing highways in the Santa Barbara National Forest. Aa~d does also solicit the support and co-operation of the counties bounding on such reserve~ the citie~ and cormnunities in such counties, and the support of all civic~ coF.~nercial and business clubs and organizations; and request that they unite in giving their support to bring about the construction of such highways in said Santa Barbara National Forest Reserve to the end that the people of the southern portion of California may be enabled to enjoy the pleasures that ahou~d in this play- ground furnished by nature; and we request that such end~orsements- be given and forwarded to the Automobile Club of .~Buthern Califor- nia pledging such support as may be given by such associations~ organ- izations or communities. That copies of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this Council and certified copies thereof be forwarded to the Automobiel Club of Southern California and to the Civic Centers of the principal cities of the counties adjacent to the Santa Barbara National Forest, I HEREBY CERT~?Y that the foregoing Reso'lution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the ~9~ay of ~; 19~2~ by the following votel Ayes: Carlisle, Grfi~i~h, Hare, Hougham~ Nelson, Rob~:nson, Sm~h. APPROVED this ~ ~day City C1 er C1 erk' of ~bhe ( - ~ 1~ COuncil of the City of Bakersfield. IViayor of 6he Cit sfield.