HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 15-22RESOLUTION. NO. 15-22 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ~ND DI~iECTiNG THE I.'AYOR TO EXECUTE A DEED TO DUVAL b~ILLiI~/IS, FOR CERTAIik' P~OP.'(~TY IN TI~V~] COUNTY OF KERN/~i\D AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF SaID P~OPERTY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD: as follows: f/lYHEREAS, said Duval Williams offers and is willing to purchase an unc]ivi~.c~ o:5c-half .interest in a~d to the hereinafter described property, said p~operty being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the northwest quarter (NW~-) of Section Four (4), Township Thirty (30) South, Range Twenty-eight (S8) east, M.D. Bi., and running thence west along the north line thereof a distance of 466 feet and 8 inches; thence at right angles south a distance of 466 feet and 8 inches; thence at right angles east a distance of 466 feet and 8 inches; to the east line of said northwest quarter (NW¼); an6 thence north along said line a distance of 466 feet and 8 inches to the place of commencement, together with any and all improvements thereon. ~qD !~tEREAS, the City of Baksrsfield is desirous and willing and offers to sell said property to said Duval ~Villiams for the sum of Three Hundred (~300o00) dollars~ N0~'/THE~]EFOEE BE IT RESOLVED that this Council does hereb.v authorize the Mayor of said City to sell and convey the above described property for and On behalf of said Cit.v and does hereby direct and authorize said B~ayor to execute and deliver for and On behalf of the Cif. y of Bakersfield a deed of conveyance conveying said propert.v as aforesaid to Duval t~illiams for and in consideration of the sum of Three Hundred Dollars (ii300.00). I HYi~EBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted b~- the Council of the Ciby of Bakersfield~ on t, he ~[~ day of ~/~~~, 1922, by the following- vote: Ayes: Carl'sle Griffith/:k~, Hougham, Nelson. Robincon, Smith. ~k~ayS Y~ . ' ............................... Abse~;~:"~ ............' '- ..... City Cle erk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROV~D~his (~day 'Mayor of the Cit~r~ield. -2-