HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 11-22RESO LUTiONo NO. ~ii22 A RESOLUTION FIXlING THE=SALE. RY OF THE },iARKET }..IASTER, AND AUTiIOR!ZiNG THE AUDITOR OF THE CITY 'OF BAKERSFiELD TO DRAW HIS i;~U~RANT UPON Tile ·TREASURY IN' PAYMENT THERiSFORo -' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF TtiE CITY OF BAIiERSFIELD; as'fo!l~ws: That whereas in accordance' with the provisions of Ordi- nance Noo 12~ New Series entitled, "'AN ORDINANCE 'ESTABLISHING A },IUNiCiPAL MAR_}ET, DEFINING ITS LOCAT!.ON, PR~SCR!~I'NG 'RULES AND ~EGULATIONS FOR' iTS CONDUCT, i PiXiNG' THE-FZ{ES TO BE CHA~GED VENEORS~ PROVIDING PER~iiTS FOrl VENDORS'n~D PROVIDING A r~UNiCiPAL ~viARKET ' F~D, CREATING T~TE OFFICE OF r.i~RKET MASTER AND DEFINING THE DUTIES AN9 FIXING THE COiv~PENSATION INCIDENT THERETO, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR Ti!E VIOL~TiON ~EREOF_~" which was duty 'and regularly Passed and adopted by the City Council-of the' C~ty of Bakersfield on the ls'~. day of. Iuay, le~2~ R~ R, LUCAS was regularly~ nominated Nlarket Master of the Nunicipal Narket by the Board of r~arket Trustees, and said nomination and appointment 6a~.~confi.rmed by the City Council of the City of Bakersfiel{ and. V~tEREAS~ it is ~ecessary to'determine and fix the compensation 'of said Market ~aster~. NOW THERIFORE BEFIT .RESOLVED. that the compensation. Of R, R, Lucas' as said market master' shall be fixed at one hundred (~100,00) dollars pe'r.month, provided that in no event shall· the compensation Of the market mas6er during any calendar month 'exceed the difference between %he-revenue~ and expenses of the }~%~.nicipal Market andthe enterprises incident thereto for one calendar month~ " That said additor of the.City of Bakersfield. is hereby .~utHoriZed and directed to draw his .w~arran~ upon .the tre&sUrer. of the~'City of B~ersfield i~ pa;~nent ~hereof~ That said payment 't'o m'arket 'fu~ d only o bemade out'of.said municipal Clty of.',Bakersfield, on tP~e !~/ day of the following vote: I HEREBY CERTIFY that the 'fbregoing ResolutiOn was regularly introduced, passed ~nd adopted by the ~ouncil of the Ayes: ~Carlisle, Cri~th, Hare, Hougimm;' NelSon. P.,obinsOn~'Smith. Nays ............~ ......................]--: ....' . .' --:----r- Absent .........~ ......... ] ......V ......U:' ' = ........... ~ '1922s by · Mayor' of t~-_~~skei~sfieido ' City C o b!erk of the 'Council of the ·City 'of Bakersffeldo