HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 10-22RESOLUTION, NO. 10~22 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING GRANT OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY' IN:'THE 'CITY 'OF BAKERSFIELD CONTAINED IN A DEED E~FECUTED 'BY JOHN Wo. YOUNG, I~ARGARET j.o YOUNG~- his- wife AND ~,ETER GUALCO, and ROSA- GUALCO,' his wife, AND DIRECTING THE AUDITOR TO DRAW A WAR~ RANT IN PAlq~iENT THEREFOR.' . BE iT RESOLVED BY THE COD'NCIL-OF ..THE CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows-:- .WHEREAS', 'JOHN W. YOUNG~ .and'MARGARET-J. YOUNG,.'his wife and PETER GUALCO and'ROSA. GUALCO,' his wife have executed -a deed, dated the 19th dayof'~'ay~ ~922, Wherein..and.~hereby they grant Certain lands and real propertyto the City o~ Bakers- field, and said deed is ready. for' delivery to.said'Council, said land a~d'real p~operty being more particularly described. as follows: ... ~ · Beginning at-a point in the~ northerly line-of 21st Street: if extended~westerly where such extensionintersects the westerly boundary line of that certain water course thence westerly along said ~xtension t'o its point of intersectZOn with the Uo S.o Segre- gation line, dividing the swamp and ove~flowed land f~om th'e Govern- ment land; thence southwesterly along said segregation line to its point of intersection with the extension westerly of the southerly line of 21st Street, thence easterly along said extension, last above named,-to its-point of intersection with the westerly boundary line of the Kern island Canal, aforesaid~.thence north- easterly along said westerly'boundary,line of the Kern Island Canal to the point.of beginnings'being a~portion o~ the Northeast quarter of Section 30, Township' 29 South~ Range '~8 .East,.M°D. Bo & Mo NOW THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED that this Council does hereby accept the grant insaid deed contained for and in'behalf of said .City subject however, 'to taxes;~Or the year'1922 - 1923 no~ a lien but not payable, 'and all'subsequent tax liens which may attach thereto, ', ' .... ~ND 'BE~ IT FURTHER RESOLVED~.'t~at-the'auditor of the .City of Bakersfield is hereby instructed to draw his warrants :"in .payment= forthe lands'and' realmproperty' by (said' deed so granted and.cOnVeYed to the City of Baker'sf~eld~ aS follows, in ~avor Of John W.' '-Young an'd Margaret Jo Young, his wife-and Peter Gualc~ .. 'ana; osa' SualcO, his wire, in the of $900 00. The Clerk of this Council. is hereby instructed to cause said deed to be filed in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County for record. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City Of Bakersfield, on the tb -day of May, 1922, by the following vote: Ayes: Carlisle, Gri~th, Hare, ~Iougham, Nelson. Robinson, Smith...- . -- ......................................... 'City Gle Clerk of the - C~uncil of the City of Bakersfield, · s Na~ 19~ ~ayo~ of t kers iel