HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 09-22RESOLUTION. NO. 9-2~ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ~AYOR_ .AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREE~ENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIE~D,. WITH ~THE KERN COUNTY LAND COMPANY, a corporation. FOR THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN LAND FOR PARK 'PURPOSES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE .CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, as follows: .... , WHEREAS, the Council of the City of'Bakersfieid is desir- ous Of securing the necessary land for the establishment and maintenanceof a public part, .- 'AND ~HEREAS, the Kern County Land Company, a corporation ]through its president F.G.~DRUN and =secretary FRED P.' Elsey, h~ve offered to sell the hereinafter described property.-on"the terms and conditions hereinaft~r setforth, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT this COUncil does hereby authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement dated May' 18th~ 1922, on behalf of the City of Baker'sfieldwith the Kern County Land Company, a corporation, wherein and whereby the said Kern CountyLand.Company through its presiden F.G. Drum and secretary Fred P. Elsey, agree to sell to the City of Bakers- 'field the following describedl0ts, pieces or parcels of land situated in the City of Bakersfield and mere particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Eighteenth 18) Street, distant t~ereon two hundred.and sixty-four (264) feet-westerly from the corner formed by'the. intersection of the said southerly line of Eighteenth (18') Street with the westerly' line of Myrtle Street, and running thence westerly along said southerly line of Eighteenth (18) Street 848o5 feet; thence at right angles ,southerly 810.5 feet; thence at right angles easterly ~46.5 feet; thence at right angles 610.5 feet to the point of beginning, according to that cegtain map dated.~arch 10, 1904, entitled, "Sal~s 'Maps'of Kern>OoUnty~-Land:Company-:showing sub ' divisions of its additions tO the. City of Bakersfield, Kern ~ounty California," which said map was filed in the office of the County Recorder of said Kern County, April 19, 1904,(being a pOrtionof Block number 419 in the said City of Bakersfieldo) Subject~ however, to all existing easements-and rights of way for canals, ditches, waterways-and other purposes..- .... .~ And ~erein and ~&ereby the said Kern County Land Company, through its President and Secretary, agree to sell ~ndlthe City b~f Bakers- field agrees to buy the said Iproperty ~or the smr~ of Thirteen Thousand'($13,000.00) dollars payable two thousand ('$2,000.00) dollars upon the 15th day of ~ugust, 1922; twenty-two hundred ($2,200°00) dollars;upon the-15th day'of AugUst, 1923.; twenty-two hundred-(·42,200°00) dollars upon the. 15th'day of August, 1'924; twenty-two hundred ($2~200.00). dollars upon the 15thday of Aug~st~ 1925; 'tWenty-two hundred (42,200.00)dollars upon the'15th day Of August, 1926 and twenty-two hundred .($2,200000) dollars onupon the 15th'dayof August 1927, together with 'interest,-to be paid annually .. on the 15th day of ~ugust of each year, On each-and all deferred paymentS, at the rate of six (6~). per'Cent per annum from the 15th day of .Augu'st, 1922. And wherein and ~hereby the said Kern- CoUnty Land Company through its president and secretary agree to leb' the said-City of Bakersfield into~ immediate .poSsession '-of said property and to give a good and suffiCient'deed to said pr,oper~y clear of all incumbrances on the payment of the full purchase price. I HEREBY CERTIFY· that the.f, oregoing Resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the CoUncil of the City of Bakersfield,. on the~/~day of'~. , 1922, by the'iollow- .ing vote:". Ayes: Carlisle, Gri~th, }Iare, I{ougham~ No!son, Robinson, Smi'~h. City Clerk and. ex-officZo Clerk of _.