HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 06-22 RESOLUTION. NO. 6-22' · A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING ASSIGNMENT OF A LEASE BY J.R. WILLI~iS, ASSIGNOR. AND-DUVAL WILLI~S' ASSIGNEE: AND ACCEPTING THE' BOND OF DUVAL WILLIAMS GIVEN AS SECURITY. FOR THE FAITHFUL pERFORMANCE OF SAID CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN SAID SE~ER FARM LEASE· BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL '0F THE CITY OF BAK~.~SFIELD, AS FOLLOWS: Whereas.the City of Bakersfield On or about the 8th day of. : March,-1909,.as lessor executed. a certain indenture of .Lease to J.R. WillJams 'as lessee, to that certain land being .and lying in the County of Kern, State of California, known as the Sewer FarmV,bein. g~particularlY described as follows: The fractional West half (~) of section 3~in '£ownship 30, South Range 28 East, M.D.B&M. " And ~ereas the said j. R. Williamshas assigned-said lease to DuVal Williams which said ~ssignment of lease has been consented to by' the City Council of the City of Bakersfield; And ~ereas the said Duval Willjams as assignee has provided a good and sufficient bond in the sum of $5000.00 for the 'faithful performance of the conditions of said lease so assigned him, which Bond has been duly approved. '. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, the assignment of said lease by J. R. Wililams together with a bond executed ~n the lOth day of .April, 1922, in the sum of $5000.00) by I~Val Williams as principal and John T..Bayse St., andA. W. Renchas sureties for the faithful performance of the conditions in said lease, be and the same is hereby accepted. I HEREBY'CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the/7~/~day of ~. , 1922, by the following vote: . Ayes: Carlisle Grf~ith Hare 'Hougham Nelson Robinson~ Smith." APPR ' this/7 (day of City Cle - ' d lerk of the Mayor of the.'City ofBakersfield.: