HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 04-22 RESOLUTION .. NO, ·4-22 A~AME~DED RE,qOLUTIO~~ FI~DI~jG A~-D DETEI~i~II~Yt~G' .THAT P'[BLIC I~T~EST A~D "FECESSITY REOUIRE .T.E. ACOUISITIO~~ OF C~TAIF E~AL PROP~ i~N THE CITY OF B~X~SFISD ~R THE PUFOSE OF E~LB!.,IS.~IFG MAI~AIFI~G A P~LIC PA~ A~D PLAYGB~9 CITY OF BPXERSFI~D A~D DI~CTIFG ~H-E"CO~EE~IC~E~ OF PROCEEDI~]GS TO CO}~D~N Tj~E FECESS~ L'AFD. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE'. CITY O.F BPXERSFIELD. aS fol'lows: THAT V~EREAS. in the Resolutio~ .adopted by' the lCity Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 2nd day of August.' 1920. the property was .erroneously described and. all subsequent proceedir~ contained such description and in order to correct such error the Council hereby amend said-Resolution to read as fo. iiOws:' ~EREAS public interest 'and neceSsit~':r'equire the acquisition of tn'e nereinafter described land and real property for the purpose of establisni~g~ a~d mainta,~nirg a public park a~d playg~o,.und in the City of Bakersfield., ' ~OW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED Tt~.ET 'r~E COU~CIL'OF T,~,~E CI?f OF B~XERSFI.~.~D hereby finds and determines that the public interest a~d ~ecessity'reqUi're the acquisition,', fo-r the purpose of establisnirg and main~Sainirg a public park and pl.ayground, of the following des. cribed land and'.real property situated in'the City of .Bakersfi el d, County of Kern. State of California. and. mor~ 'particdlarly described as follows: ' - That certain tract of land situated. in the .Godhey Tract in the City of Bakersfield. County-of Kern. State of, California·. as shown upon t:~e map, eDtitled '"Plat of the' Godhey Tract beirg a part of Sect~o~ O, Township 29 Soutn. Ra~e 28 :East. filed. in e o rice of the County Recorder'of said Kern 6unty;on October 31, 1~92, ;~nd particularly described. as followCS: ·t t f Commencir8 at a point on the ~,ortnerly line Of 20th Street as d~lineat'ed on said'map at the of~t~of..~+Dt'e~:section, with-the' - s5gregation line ~]ivi~[i~.: the .~w[~np and Overflowed Land-from the Goverrment land in SectiOn 30 Town'Snip 29 Sb.u~m, Rarge 28 Eas , ~,~ou~t Diablo Base a.~d _r!~erid]an runri~ thence east along said' · northerly line of 20tn Street 137;20 ~eet' more or less ~o the westerly side or bank of that certain 'water ·course runnirg 'tnro~o~_ 'the east one-half of said Section 30 commor;i~ known as and call~d the Kern island IrriK_atiDg.~ Canal tHe~nce northeasterly alorg_~ the westerly bank of saiS. Canal 124 feet more or less to the' p6int -1- -its intersection with the southerly l:in~ O'f an alley ~unDi!og east and west tnro~.~n Block Fumber 2i'6," as" indicated 'on s~id '.map ;i f said.' alle were extended westerly t~ro~n Block' ~,~ber 21~..of sa~d ~odney Trac{, 'thence westeslo~ sa~d line of said-alley. if extended. 1~0.~ feet more or less to 'Ss~d spgre~ation line thence .southwesterly ' foliowi~ said segregation 1~n~°117.62· feet more or less to point of beginni~ ~ei~ a portion of the northeast quarter of 'said section 3.0~ '-' ~ '. . . ' '~ And be it further resolved 'that the City Attorney of the city of Bakersfield is hereby .instructed. to commence proceedir~s' 'in the Superior Court of the County of Kern, State Olf Califor~ik, 'for the purpose of co~demnir~% said. land to said use and purpose, I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoi.rg Resolutio]n was passed. and adopted' by the COuncil of the City of Bakersfield,~ on the· day of February, 1922, by the followir~ vote: Ayes-Carlisle, Griffith, Hare, HoUgham, Robinson/Smith; Willow Nays .... . · ' City .Clerk and .ex-officio Clerk of .the Council o f the City o f Bakersfield.