HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 03-22as follows: RESOLUTION. NO. 3-'22 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING' THE OFFER CANIIELLATION OF THE CONTRACT BETWEEN. -THE CITY OF B~XERSFIELD AND:OLMSTED- and GILLELEN. .:.. BE IT RESOLVED 'BY THE COUNCIL 0FTHE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, WEEAS, an agreement' was entered into '0n .the 23rd .day of March, 1921, by and between the city. of Biersfield,. party of the first part and. the partnership of Olmsted. and Gillelen, Civil..Ergineer of Los Argeles, party of the second 'oart,. to perform c?rtain erg-~ineer- ir~ Work, 'with -respect to a water s~stem, ' AND WHEREAS, Mr.-Gilleien of and represe~tir~ said partnership-of Olmsted. a~d Gillelen, did in tn6 said City. of Bakers- field. on 'the'. 6tn .day of January, 1922, .volUntarily waive all 'claims and rign.ts under said' 'agreement and did then ]and tne r~ return to the -party of tn~ 'first-part, said agreement by .nandirE the same to- MayOr E. L. Hougnam, as representative'of the party..of the first part', with* the request that ~ne. said party of the "first-part accept the offer of'the cancellation of ;said agreement,' · · -'NOW THEEFOE, BE IT RESOLVED', 'That the Council of the City of BakerSfield does hereby.accept the offer:of the partnership of 01mated and Gillelen and does by .these pre'~ents-cancel said. agreement, BE IT FURTHER ·RESOLVED t~at the Council of: the City of Bakersfield as suc.~ council and on ben-alf of~tne people of the City of'Bakersfield do hereby extend their sincere thanks' ~o the partnership of Olmsted ard Gillelen for the .return and cancellation o f said. agreement, -:"' -'~- ~iSO BE IT-FURTHER. no manner whatsoever cast aIV reflection' upon.the 'ability or competency of the said partnership of Olinsteal and Gil!el:en, ... . I HEREBY CERTIFY that the for.eg_oirgRes01ution was pass'ed a~d adopted' by~ the Council 'of 'tne.Ci%y. o.f Bakers'field, the/'~ d~y of. ~' . 1922, by -~ne followi~ VOte: Ayes-Car]is]e, G~th, Hare, Hou~ham, Robinson, Sm]th,-Wilbw ' .- " - *,' ', . Co ncil. of the 'City of -Bakersfield · "ROVED tni's//~ay of " ~ " , 1922.-' ' - Mayo r o f ty o e r~. ' - ~ - ]