HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 01-22 RESOLUTION. 'NO. 1-22 RESOLUTION ACCEFfING GRANT CONTAINED IN DEE~ dated JA~IARY' tn' }7 22 WHEREIN· FR~,K E. SPRAGUE an~ V~,RN~E ~. SPRAGUE CO~EY CERTAIT~ RE~Z PROPERTY TO THE CItY OF BEERS FIELD, FOR STREET PURPOSES. · BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF.THE' CITY OF.BAKERSFIELD, as follows: '~AEREAS, FRAh~ E. SPRAGUE and. VERYIE E. SPI~AGUE, his wife nave executed a Deed. dated· January 7tn, 1922, corerir~ their ownership in Certain lands in the City of Bakers field, with the-request that the same be used for~tne purposes set forth in said Deed to-wit: B.eginni_ng at a point in the soutnerl, line o f 8tn Street 284 feet e easterly from the easterl 1]~ne of L S{reet and running thence southerly*, on a.line284 feet eastelr~y from and' parallel to the easterly li~e of L Street a distance of 305.2 feet; tfience easterl on~a 1L'ne 05.2 distance of 2~.25 feet~ ~ ence nortnerl on a· straight line to a point in the· soutnerl '~ li~e of ~tn Street 0~-.25~ feet easterly from the e st- erly line of L~treet' thence westerly alO' the southerly line of Street a distance of ~1.25 'feet to the poinn~ of b.eginning. Bei.rg the easterly 21.25 feet of the northwest ~uarter of Block A, owell Addi- tion to~ tne~City of~Bakersfiel~], County of'Kern, State of California, accordi~ to the map' of said;City filed in-the o fice of the County Recorder ef said Ke~n County, November 25tn, 189~.. wit~ the further request that same be dedicated for the use and pur-~ pose-of a public street. .~ NOW THERE ~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That this Council does hereby accept said Deed for a~d, in benair of said, City, and do'hereby declare that said lands as described, in said Deed be and. the same are. hereby dedicated. for public streets. "The Clerk of-'tnis 'Cour, cil is hereby authorized and directed to · cause said .Deed.· to be filed for record in the office of the County' Recorder of Kern County, California. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoirE-Resolution was passed-and adopted.by the Council of the City of Bakersfiel"d, on the. . day of Jar, uary~ 1922, by the following vote: Ayesi~Sm=!d~]~, Griffith, Hare, Hougham, Robinson° Emi~/~, Will6w . · -~' : · APP "ED tn i s ~day o f '~~~922 ~" City ~erk and. 'ex-~fficio Clerk of the ' '~ Council of tne~ City of B~e~sfield. . ~ ~ayor of the City of B~ersfield. ~ '