HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 17-21 RESOLUTION.-No. iz=~- ,- A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING GRA~ OF CERTAIN REBL PROPERTY IF T~E CITY., OF B~XERSFtELD CONTAI~D IN A DEED EXECUTED BY JOHN W o YOUNG, M~RGP~RET J. YOUNG his wife,' and PETER GUALCO~ A~D ROSA GU~J~C0 his wife' A~D DIRECTI~..~ THE AUDITOR TO ~DRAW A W~Ri~AFT IN P~MErT TN~EFOR. BE IT RESOLVED BY T~,E COUNCIL OF T~ CITY'0F B~X..~P, SFIELD, as -follows: WHEREAS, JOHtx W. YOUNG ard MARGARET J. YOUNG,' his wife, a~d PETER GUALC0 AND ROSA GUALCO, his 'wife, nave executed a deed, dated the '~ day of~, 1921, wherein' a~d wnereb'y trey gra~t certai~ la~,ds a~d real property to the City of B~ersfield, and said deed is ready for delivery to said Co,ancil, said la~d 'ard real property beir~ more particalarly described as follows: ' ' B~i~i~; at a point on the soatnerly line of 21st Street if extended westerly wn'ere such extended' line i~tersect~ the westerly boandary line of ~ne Kern Island Canal as snown.u on the . a of the City of S~ersfiel~, County of Kern, "S~ate o'f Cali~o~ia, fined. in " the office of the ~ou~ty Recorder of said Coant~ on ~ovembe. r 2~, 1898 and run~irg thence-southwesterly ~o~ said-westerly line of tne~Kern Island Ca~al to its poi~ of intersec~io~ of the westerly exte~'sio~ of the south lineSof the alle r~an~i~ tnro n Block x216, ~Zs shown upo~ said Map,' a~d thence wes~er_Z a-l-o~ sa~ exte~sio~ of the south l~ne of'said alley to its ~oi~t or inte~sect'io~ with the U.S. Segrega~ tion li~e, thence ~ortneasoerl~y alo ~' Said- s~gegatio'~ li~e to the south line of 21st-Street ~f extend~ westerly a~d thence easL a!o~ s~id.soatnerly line of 21st Street, if extended to the point'of be- g~rg. ~0W T~IERE~RE, .BE IT RESOLVED, that this ~ouncil does hereby ascent the ~ra~t in sai~ ~eed'co~tai~ed for ard i'~ behalf of said City, subject nowever, to the seco~ i~stallme~t.of t'~es for the year 1921-1922 ~ow. payable but ~ot a lien, a~d all subsequent 't~ liens which may attach thereto, AND BE IT NRTHER RESOLVED, that the auditor-of the City of Bakers- field is hereby i~structed to draw his warrants in pa~ent for the lards-a~ real property by said ~eed so granted a~d conveyed to the City-0f B~ersfield~ as follows: I~ favor of Jonn W. ~o~, a~d Mar- garet J. You~,' His wife ard Peter GuMco a~ Rosa Gaalco, his" wife, ~.n the m~.of $2,3~0'.00. " ' ..... ~ · ' The Clerk of this Council-is hereby i~structed to cause said deed to be ~iled i~ the office of-the C0a~ty Re~order .of Kern County, for record. IHEREBY CERTIFY t~iat ]tne forego~rg' Resolution was d duly arid regularly ·passed and adooted by the CounCil of the City of BakerSfield, On the ]7~ay of ' , ~ . , 192t 'by the foll.owirg vote: · : : .~, "' AyeszCarlis!e, Griffith, Hareh Hougham, Robl.nson, Smith,. Willow ne C 1 o ak ~~id. / -