HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 15-21 RESOLUTIOF. NO. X5-2~ RESOLUTIO~ ACCEPTING GRANT CONTAINED IN DEED DATED~OVE~BER 2nd I 21 \~EREIF. I ~ G~FDLACH"80Iq EY . MAX GUFDLA,~H and. GI SSI' ~ V CERTAIE REAL PROPERTY TO TI,E CITY"0F . B~XERSFIELD. FOR STREET PURPOSES. ~ BE IT' RESOLVED BY T_~.~. COUNCIL OF T}{E CITY OF -BI~XERSFIELD. as fall lows: V~EREAS. M~/GUFDLACH 'a~d GUSSiE GUNDLACH. his wi'fe; nave executed a Deed dated bbvember 2nd. 1921.-Coveri~-t~eir Ownersflip in certain-lands iD.tne-City of B~ersfield...witn the resquest that the s~e .be used for the p~rposes set forth' in said Deed: to-wit: Beginni~.at a'-'point in the northerly' line 0f 6tn .Street 264 feet westerly from the i~esterl line of F Street a~' ruDni~ thence ~ortner IX.on a line 2~'~eet wes{erly from ard Darali~l 'to the westerly line ~'dista~ce'of'41.25-feet; tence soutnerl · on a-straight li~e to a i~ the ~ortnerly ~ire of ~tn Street ]0~25-feet wes~erl)/from the~° westerly ii~e o~ ~. Street; thence easterly aio~ the ~o~rtnerly li~e o 6tn Street 41.25 feet· to the ~oi~t'.of ~e~i~i~ Bei the w'esterly 4I .25 feet of the southeast q~arter of B~oSk A~Lowell~dditio~ to the Cit of Bakegsfi~Ze Cou~t~ of .Kern .State of California, accord. i~ to ~ne[mao of.said .~ity fi~ed' i~ t ~ office of the County Recorder'o~ said Kern~Countv.: November 25,-~89~:.'~ .-:' With the f,lrtner request that s~e be dedicated for. the ~se and p~xrpose of ~ public street. NOW-THEEE'~E, BE IT ESOLVED: That'this Council does hereby- accept_ said Deed' for a~,d in behalf 0f said City. a~d do hereby declare that ·said lands as described in said· Deed be and the s~ are hereby dedicated for public streets. " The Clerk of this C0uDcil is hereby authorized and dizec'ted to cause'said Deed]' to be filed for record in the office of ~ne-County Rec6rder ~f Kern· County, Call for~ia,. ': ~ ' I HER~Y CERTI~ that the foregoing .Resolutio~ was passed and a~o'pted by the Council of the o-i'ty of B~ersfield. on the ~id:ay of Fovember.' 1921,.by the follOwirg vote·: "=D~._ 2 -~yes-C~tisle',-Griffi~h,-Hougham. nenfro, Roblnson,)Smith~ Willow'" --- )- ';.! ., ....- . City CIerk '0 f "the Council; of-the City 0f- Bakersfield. Mayo r' 0 f. the-'Ci ty "'o f Baker sfi el do