HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 10-21 RESOLUTION, ~o, ~o-2~ '..' OFFICE T~E COUN~ RECORDER OF K~ C0~ 'J~U~ 12th 1~9 "~D AUTHORIZING ~D DIRECTING TH~ MAYOR:, '0F T~E CIT~ OF BPXERSFIELD TO ~CUTE A DEEDInTO THE C~ZEDONIA BUILDING ASSOCIATION. BE' IT RESOLVED BY THE CO~CIL OF THE 'CITY OF B~XERSFIED, as.follows: That it ],s for the b'est interest Of said Ci.ty to sell and COnVey the south eighty (80) feet of lots Th'iFteen (13.),'. Fourteen · (14), 'Fifteen (15) and. Sixteen (16)' .'in'.'Block !Fift'~:' seven- (57). in .theI 'uity Of BakerSfield, formerly Kern~'{acCord:ing t'o:...t.~ie map 'or plat of the Raids.City of Bakersfie].d formerly ~Kern filed in the office of the. COunty ·+Recorder of Kern Uounty JanUary' 1.2th, 1889'~ for the sum of Eight thousand. seven hundred and. fifty doll.ars ($8.,750'~00) in gold coin of the'- United States,' and there'fo·re the mayor Of the ~ity of '-Bakers~ield. is hereby directed and authorized to make, execute and dell'vet for and in behalf of ~the City of Bskersfi~ld and.~as .its act and deed' to Caledonia Buildir~g' ASso6itaion, ,a conveyance o'f said lots · or 'pardels' of land and to 'affix to said. convey'ance the corporate nsme .. and seal'of said municipal.corpo, rs{tion.. ... .. .I .-HEREBY CERTI~'Y TF, AT the fore~oi~' Resol. ution was passed and. adoDted-,by the Council of the City o'f Bakersfield. on the ~iJU_day, · ~s-Ca lisle, Grif~th, Hourban, Renfro, Robinson, Smi{h, Willow"" ." ' AP 0V,ED' this/~-'~.d. ay of 'city 01erk 'Sn~~k of the J 1921'~~sf e 6council of the Cmty of Bakersfmeld