HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 8-21as follows: · RESOLUTION. :NO. S-,2~ ...: .~ 'A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT THE: HEARING ON THE LOS iNGELES WATER AND P0~R FILINGS IN THE SEllRIA NEVADA MOUNTAINS TO BE HELD BEFORE THE FEDEI~L POWER COM~ISSION BE HELD ON THE ~VEST. COAST OF THE UNITED STAT~S, . ' BE IT RESOLVED BY .THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B'~X~ERSFIELD, - W}.~EREAS, the 'City of Los Angeles has made c~rtain water 'and powerI filing in the Serria NeVada Mountains; AND WHEREAS, a hearing on.:said filings will be held before the Federal Power Commission of 'Washington, D, C,, or at '..some.other.place selected by said Federal Power Commission, .- ~3D ~.EREAS, the .City of Bakersfield is vitally interested as is the whole San Joaquin Valley in said.hearings,. .AND' .., AS, the right of'the said City Of Los Angeles W.i~ERE in connection with the said.power .andlwater filing will be contested before said commission, ' AND V~EREAS, 'itI'is contemplated by said. commission to hold said hearings in Washington, D, .C,', ~'..~ ' '- ~nN.D' V~EREAS, the' filings herein referred· to are of' vital interest to the west coast of the United States, AND' WHEREAS,. the matter and data to be presented in protest of' said water and power filings 'and the' witnesses' to be used 'at-said hearing can be utilized and. presented at .a better advantsge should the hearings on the said filings and.' the protests thereto be 'held at. some point' located more centrally to the' area or in the 'area vitally affected, IT 'IS HEREBY RESOLVED 'that the said. City.of Bakersfield is-in harmony with the protests filed' .in' connection with the Los.. ...... ~-' =' .....-Anget-es ~ wat-er--and~ -pewe-r-=f-i-i-iP~-s=a~d--tha-t'the~hear'-ing-s-. on Said.'_ _pro_- ........ -1- tests and filings in the interest.of expediency and proper presenta- · tion should be held at some point or place-on the west~coast of the Un i ted' State s, , = · ~- BE IT FURTHER* RESOLVED that every-ef.fort possible in th'~s connection be used in securing'the hearing on said filings and ' protests to be held at some.point or 'place on the west coast of 'theIUnited States and that a copy of this resolution be directed to~ the Federal Power. Commission and a copy to the State Water Commission, I HERFBY CERTIH that,-the foregoing Resolution'was' passed and adopted by the Council of the City of 'Bakersfield, on the' 'day of ' , 1921, by the-following Vote: · Ayes~C~fi'is~e, C--riffith, 'Hare; Hougham, Robinson/Smith,-Wi!low: ' ' 'Absent ...........~ .........-'- ............. -(Ji~yC erk of the ' Council of-.the City of Bakersfield,, ~PPROVED thi' 1921 · dyof ~'- i y of E er i '1 . ' ' -.Mayor