HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 7-21RESOLUTION. NO. '7i21 "-A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKESFIELD PROTESTING AGAINST THE ADVANCE IN FREIGHT RATES AS AUTHORIZED BY THE INTERSTATE COI~EERCE CO~t~ISSION THROUGH THE.PASSAGE OF THE TR~NSPORTATION ACT OF 1920-PASSED BY CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES. as follows: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B~XERSFIELD, WHEEAS,' the prosperity of california and the entire Pacific Coast is dependant upon 'the success or failure of the great agricultural industries of the West and . WHEREAS, by section '42? of the TranSportation Act of 1920, amending~ the Interstate %mmerCe Commission Act by adding section 15 - A thereto, the Congress of the United States prescribes a rule of rate making whereby the ·Interstate Commerce Commission shall fix rates' so that carriers as a ~nole will earn .an aggregate net income of 6% upon 'the aggregate value of the' railway property, · WHEREAS, such rule of rate making imposes upon shippers and'the public an excessive transportation burden and has in its' operations ~nolly failed to accomplish any beneficial results+ for the carriers, but on'the contrary, has been detrimental to the-interests of producers and the public at large, and WHEREAS,·. the excessive transportation burden is more than most of the industries-of .the West· cen bear, end' WHEREAS, producers cannot long+ ship e~t a loss, and under existing circumstances industries producing ~ high tonnage. per acre face postiv~ ruin, and vast fertile acreages, are in danger of becomi~n~ ·-l- waste, and WHEREAS, in the interests o'f the State of California, and of the entire Pacific Coast, .the producers transportation committee appointed by ·State Market Director Daniels. at the request of Governor Stephens, has inaugurated a "Save the West~ campaign, and +WHEREAS, the purpose of this campaign ~s to awaken the public generally' to the seriousness of the present situation; and secure the combined support of all factors interested in the protectS_ ion and development ~f these industries, and in the .prosperity of California and the entire Pacific Coast, and stimulate petitions .to the Congress of the United States requesting 'their re-consideration of the Transportation Act of~1920; and to pro:vide the representatives in Washington of Pacific Coast states with facts 'and figures. relative to the effect that the present rate structure has upon the industries of the West in order that they may bring the true conditions to the attention of Congress. relative to these matters, and . L 'THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that .this body-heartily endorsee' the' "Save the West" .~ campaign, and actively-enlists .in the 'support of this movement, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that. this body' petition the' congress of the United States to reconsider i~qe Transportation Act' of 1920' So'as to eliminate the objectionable features' herein pointed ou~, and to create a rate of structure that will not place a false earning power. on'a large fictitious railroad capital, the payment of which 'is stifling industries of the Pacific Coast, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that -the full"est publicity be given all activity on the part of this body in connection with the present railroad rate situation, and also full 'publicity be given all facts and figures which may come into the. 'possession of this body, . BE IT. FURTHER RESOLVED~ that the copies of these resolu- tions be forwarded 'to representatives of~ the Pacific COast states in WsiShi~ton, to the Press,· and to G. Harold PeWell, chairman of the 'Producers Transportation Committee Consolidated-Realty .Buil di~,- 'Los Angeles, California. ; ~I HEREBY CERTIFY that the forego'ing ResolUtion was passed and adopted-by the Council of the.City of ~Bakersfietd, onetHe day-of- , 1921, by the~following~vote: .. Ayec-Ca~isle, Grlffi'~h, Hare, Heuglmm, Robinson,-Smith, Willow. , Nays ........~ .............................~.,.....i ....... .- .................................-:=' Absent ....... .' ." "' "-..~ ' . ' ' i_ .~.. '.,. ' . '." . . . OVED. ~ s '._ d / .1921. . '. ~ . -' "'- '~YOR' .o f th .~sfiei-d, "' ' :....-7'.-' ·