HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 6-21 RESOLUTION. No. $-'21 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING CONVEYANCE. CONTAINED IN · BILL OF 8ALE WHEREIN THOS. C. WILLtAMS FAIRFAX ' WILLIAMS AND J'.R. WILLI~fi~S CONVEY CERTAIN SEWERS TO 'THE CITY OF B~XERSFIELD FOR PUBLIC .SEWERS.- ' BE IT RESOLVED' BY THE COUNCIL' OF THE CITY OF B~XERSFIELD, as follows: 'WHEREAS, ,.THOS. C.. WILLIAMS,. F~IRF~I WILLI~S and J.R. WILLI~i~S, have executed a Bill o'f 'Sale dated March 29th, .1921, wherein said.-THOS.; 'CTM, WILLI~/~S, FAIRF~I WILLIANS and. J.RL WILLI~j~S, convey cer- tain sewers' to the City of Bakersfield, and'have delivered said'Bill of Sale to 'the Council of the City of Bakersfield, with the request that same be used for public sewers and more particularly described as fol- lows' " 'The 'se~ers - beginning at a manhole at' the intersection of the' alle s in'lock 64 and r,mning thence northerly in the alley throug~ BlocIs 64, 57, 40 and'33, also b_eginnin~ at a manhole at the inter' section o f~tne alle s ~n Block 63 and. runni - thence northerl in the alle thro.u~h B~ocks 63, 58, 39 and 34,n~ernard iddition {o the City of ~akersfield. ' - NOW THEEERE, BE .IT. RESOLVED: That this Council does hereby accept said conveyance~ for m4d in behalf of said. City, and. dO hereby declare that said Sewers as described in said-bill of Sale be ard the same'are hereby dedicated as public. sewers. The Clerk of this Council is hereby.authorized and direct- ed to cause said Bill of Sale to be filed for~record in the office of ~he County Recorder of Kern County, California.- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing- Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield. on the ?/~ day o f ~ , 1921, by the following vote: Ayes-Carlisle, Grif~h, Hare, Hougham, Robinson, Smith, Willow. ........... ........................................:-----L-i ....... ........... .........!---- .... Absent ............~ .................., .........: ,· .................................. u C f the · City ~l erk 'an i erk o APPROVED this ~//~day of Council of the City of Bakersfield. .~....