HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 3-21 RESOLUTION. NO. 3-21 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING GP~ANT OF CERTAIN REAL. PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF. BA~ERSFIELD, CONTAINED A DEED EXECUTED BY MAY STARK FOX, AND DIRECTING AUDITOR TO DRAW WARHANT IN PAYNENT THREFOR, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF. THE- CITY OF .BAKERSFIELD, as follows: WHEREAS," i~ay Stark Fox has executed 'a deed, Dated the I6th day of'February, '1921, wherein and whereby she. grants certain lands and real property to the City of Bakersfield, and. said deed isl. ready for delivery to said Council, said land and real property being more particularly 'described as follows: Beginning at a point Six hundred'and. sixty feet -west of the point 'of 'intersection of the north line of Nineteenth street, as shown on the official map of the City of Bakersfield, with the east line of the west half of the .north-east quarter of Section thirty in township twenty-nine south, range twenty-eight. east, M. D. B & M; thence running north t~'o hundred-sixty~four feet· to the south line of- ~wentieth Street; thence running east along the south line of Twentieth street fifty feet; thence running south two hundred and sixty- four.feet to' the north line of said Nineteenth street'and .thence running .along said north line of said Nineteenth street. fifty feet to the point of beginning. All in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of. California. - . · NOW'THEREFOR, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Council'doeS hereby accept the grant in said deed cont'ained for and in behalf Of said City, s.ubject however,~.to ~the lien of th'e~second~ installment of taxes for the yearlg~-O-192I and ~all subsequent t_a~ liens which may attach thereto, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the auditor of the City of. Bakersfield is hereby instructed to draw his warrants in payment for' the lands and tea] property by said deed so-granted and conveyed to the City of Bakersfield, as follows: .In favor of May Stark FoX. in the sum of $265~.5~ and in favor of the Kern County Building and' Loan" 'Association in the sum of $1846.4V, the said Lo~a_n Association now · holding a'mortgage on the said property by and under which the said · amount is d~e l~. " The Clerk' of this Council is-hereby instructed to cause said deed to be filed in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, for record-. . I hereby certify that the foregoin ~reselution!was duly and regularly passed and 'adopten by the Council of ;the City 'of Bakersfield on the 7~/t day of //~/~/aj4~. , 1921, by the. following vote: Ayes-D~ug~,,a,L, City C1 rsfield ex-officio Clerk of ths Comcil of sMd City. . APPROVED this 7~'day of ~~ , 1921. y the City of Bakersfield.