HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 11-20RESOLUTION. NO. n-2o .A RESOLUTION FINDING ~J,YD DETEIBffNING THAT. I P THE CITY 0~ B~ERSFIELD FOR THE PURPOSE OF EBTABLISHING AB.D MAINTAINING A PUBLIC PARK ~D PLAYGROUND BY TF.E CITY OF BPXERSFIELD ~j, tD DIRECTING THE C0I, B~NCEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS T0. CONDE~ THE NECESSARY LAND. as follows.: BE 'IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B~XERSFIELD, WEEAS public interest and necessity require the ac- quisition of the hereinafter described. 'land 'and,'real property fo~ the purpose of establishing and maintaining a public 'park snd playground in the City of Bakersfield, NOW THEREFOR, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby finds and' determines that public interest and necessity require the acquisition, 'for the purpose ef establishing and maintaining a public park and playground, of the following described. land and real property situated in the City of BakerSfield, County of Kern, State of California, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a oint two hundred nintey (290) feet west from' the northwest corner o~ Block Two 'hundred twent -two (222) in the Cit ~of Bakersfield 'ount of Kern State of C~ifornia accord i ~ to {he map thereof ~ecorde~'in Book'0ne'-(I) at p_age thir een {~.~_) of Maps, in the office of the Count~ Recorder of said. Count of Kern, 'thence r~nir~g westcon the south -l~ne of Twentieth Str~ee~n{!o a pomnt forty-seven~and one-tenth (47.1) feet west of the poin Where the east boundary ine of the southwest quarter of the nor h- east quarter of Section ~hirty (30) intersects the said south line of sa~d Twentieth Street thence south Two hundred. siMt -four (26z+) feet to the north line o~ Nineteenth Street, thence eas{ one hun- dred.. (100) fee~ along the north line of Nineteenth Street to a point in the west boUmdary line of Kern Islem'd. Canal to the poi o f beginjning. · And be it further resolved that the City ~'ttorney of the City of i~akersfield is hereby instructed .to commence proceedings in the Superior Court of the County of Kern, State of California, for the -1- purpose of condenming said lea~d-to said use and, purpose. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT the foregoing Resolution was:passed and adopted by the Council of the City o:f Bakersfield, on the day of ~~/~., 1920, by the following vote: ~PPRO VED th i s 9/~ day o f . . u_,~ 1920. !ci. C t Ci'ty ~1 erk o f h'e COuncil of .the City of Bakersfield. - -p-