HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 10-20RESOLUTION. xo-2o- ARESOLUTION.FINDING P2,1D DETEEEINING-THAT - R P M 0 ES~ ',ZBLISH OF B~XERSFIELD FOR T_.E _URPOSE 'F r~ _ ING ~'D }~INTAINING 'A PUBLIC PARK ~D PLAY- .GROUND'BY THE CITY OF B~XERSFIELD AND DIRECT-. ING THE COEiENC~i[ENT OF PROCEEDINGS TO 'CON- DEMN THE NECESSMRY'LP~YD. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE" GmTY OF B~XERSFIELD, as follows WHEREAS. public interest and necessity require the ac- quisition of the hereinafter described*land and real property 'for the purpose. of establishi~%g and maintaining 'a ~p.ublickp~rk and playground in the City of B~kersfield, NOW THEREFOR, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the. City of Bakersfield. hereby finds end determines. that. public interest and' necessity require the acquisition, for-theypurpose of establish- ing and maintaining- a public park and playground, of' the following described land and. real property situated in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, stud more particularly described as follows: ' Commencing at the southeast corner of BloCk Two hundred lzne of Twentieth S~r~e thence &t right an~les westerl eighty- two and. one-hail feet ~-½) to the nor~heast%orner of B{ock Two hundred. twenty-six 2 ~ and thence at right angles southerly two hundred sixty-Tou~ f2~t feet to a point ~f t~'eg~nning. And be it further resolved that the City .Attorney of the City of Bakersfield is hereby .instructed to commence proceedings in the Superior 'COurt of the County of Kern, State of CalifOrnia, for the purpose of condemning said land to said, use .and purpose. -1- I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT the. foregoing Resolution-was passed snd adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on..the ~~'/~ llowing ' 'day of . , 1920, by the f0 vote: ..-: .. "~ff~PROVED this. Z~/~' day o f. '~'~V~ 4, 1/°20' f:: '~a'y~'T. tt~e. city' of Bakers~ield, t O~er/~/~-"~'~clerk of ~he ci y Comncil of the:City of Bakersfield,