HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 8-20RESOLUTION. NO. s-2o' A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGBjEEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF B~XERSFIELD WITH VIRGINIA S BRUNDAGE FRANCES S. PACKARD LIDA S. REED ELLA STONE. R AND flA? STARK FOX FOR. T~tE PUR- CHASE 0~ CERTAIN LAND FOR PARK PURPOSE . : WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield is desir- ous of securing the necessary land for the establishment and mainten- ance of a public park. AND WHEREAS, Virginia S. Brundsge, Frances S. Packard, Lida S. Reed, Ella Stoner and May Stark Fox, have offered to sell the hereina~er described property on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW THEEFOE BE IT RESOLVED THAT 'this Board does hereby authorize the Nayor to execute an agreement dated. April 1st, 1920, on behalf of' the City of Bakersfield with Virginia S. Br,lnd. sge, Frances S. Packard, Lida S. Reed, Ella Stoner and Nay Stark Fox, wherein:and where by the said Virginia S. Brundsge, Frances S. Packard., Lida S. Ella Stoner and Nay Stark Fox, agree to sell to the City of Bakersfield the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land situated.' in the City of Bakersfield and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of Nineteenth Street sixty-five and. forty-five hdndredths (65.45) feet easterly from the .southeasterly corner of Block Two hundred 'twenty-six (226) thence 'easterly along said northerly line of Nineteenth Street five' hundred twenty-eight and thirty hundredths (528.30) feet, thence northerly on a line parallel to the easterly line of said Block Two hundred twenty-six (226) to the point of intersection of said line with the southerly line of Twentieth Street; thence westerly along the southerly line of Twentieth Street five hundred twenty- eight and thirty-hundredths (528.30) feet and thence southerly on a line parallel to and sixty-five .and forty-five hundredths (65.45) 'feet easterly from the easterly line of said Block Two Hundred ...... t'~nS~-~ix"(226j t~' ~e 'p0*in~O~'b~eg~inning. -1- A1 eginning at a poin~t in the northerly line of Twentieth Street fifteen and forty-five hundredths (15.45) feet easterly from the southeasterly corner of Block Two hundred thirteen (21~), thence easterly along- said northerly line of Twentieth Street six hundred. ~forty-two and. forty-five hundredths (642.4/~) feet; thencennortherly on a line parallel to the easterly line of said Block Two hundred thirteen (213) three hundred thirteen and five tenths (313.5) feet; thence westerly on a line parallel to and forty-nine and five tenths (49.5) feet northerly from the southerly line of Twenty-first Street produced six hundred forty-two and fort five hundredths (642.45) feet and thence southerly on'a line paral- lel to and fifteen and forty-five hundredths (15.45) feet easterly from the easterly line of said B]'ock Two hundred thirteen (213) to the point of beginning, being Blocks Two hundredI Fourteen (21~), and Two hundred twenty-five (225), portions of Blocks Two hunBred fifteen (215)~ Two handred twenty-four (224) and portions of R, S, and Twenty-first Streets all as show upon that certain map entitled "Map of the City of Bakersfield, Kern County, California," filed in the office of the County 'Recorder of Kern County, November 25, 1898. And wherein. and. whereby the said Virginia S. Brundag~e, Frances S, Pack- ard, Lida S. Reed, Ella Stoner and May Stark Fox, agree to sell and the City' of Bakersfield agrees to buy the said property for the sum of Forty Thousand ($40,000.00) Dollars payable Five thousand ($5,000.00) Dol.lars upon the execution of said agreement Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) .Dollars on April let, 1922, Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars on April 1st, 192h~, Ten Thousand. ($10,000.00) Dollars on April 1st 1924, and Five thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars on April lst,:T1925, all deferred payments to bear interest at the.rate of ·five (5%)' per .cent per annum from and after the 1st day of April, 1922. Interest shall be ·payable. annually. "And wherein and ~hereby the said Virginia S. Brundage, to let 'the said City of Bakersfleld into immediate possession of said· property and to give-a good and. sufficient deed to said property clear of all incumbrances on the payment of the full purchase price. I HEREBY CERTIFY t~hat the 'foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted. at a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Bakers- field, on the /~( day of April', 1920, by the following vote: Ayes- Baughman, Gilchrist, Hfnmmn, Hougham~ Renfro, Willow, APPROVED this/~ay of April, 1920. f the-