HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 7-20 RESOLUTION. NO. 7-20 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING GRANT CONTAINED IN+ DEED DATED MARCH 2 i 20 WHERE,~N H.J, BR~2qDT and PEARL C. BRANDT HI~'WI~E 'CONVEY CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY TO THE CI*Y OF BAKErSFIELD FOR STREET PURPOSES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF B~{ERSFIELD, as ,follows: WHEREAS, H. J. BI~NDT and PEARL C. BI~.NDT, his wife, have executed a Deed covering their ownership in certain lands in the City of Bakersfield, and have delivered same to the Council of the City of Bakersfield, with the request that same be used for the purposes set forth in said Deed to-wit: Beginni ~ at the' intersec ion of the westerly line of section 28, Townshipn~9 South Range 2~ East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian; with the northerly line of Fremont Street; thence easterly alo.ng the northerly line of Fremont Street produced, to its inter-- section with easterl line of Miller Street; thence southerly along th easterly line of Mil~er Street roduced, to its intersection with ~he westerly line' of said ection 2M~ thence northerly along the westerly line of said Section 2~, to its mntersection with the northerl line of Eureka Street; thence ~easterl' along~ the~'.northerl line of ~ureka Street produced, to its interseC{ion w~th the wester~ line of Miller Street .produced; thence northerl along the westerly ~ine of Miller Street produced, to its intersec{ion w~th the southerly line of the alley roduced in Block i 5 Kern' thence westerly alo ~Ithe southerly line o~ said ~iley produce~, to i~s intersection with tn~e westerly line of said S ct~oh 28; thence northerly along the westerly line of said Section 2~ to its intersection with the northerl line of the alley in Block i ~; thence easterly along.the norther~ line of said alley produced ~o its intersection with the westerly ~ine of Nillet Street produce~t; thence northerl along the westerly line of Miller Street produced, to its intersec{ion v~ith the southerly line of Fremon Street produced; thence westerly along the southerl~ line of Fremont Streetpr duce~; to its intersection With .the westerly line of said S ction 2~; thence northerly alo_ng the westerly line of said, Section ' 2~-to the point of beginni -~, all as shown upon W.C. Parson s Amended Map Number 2 of a par~ of tn~e Town of Kern o erly East Bakersfield, Kern County, California filed January 15, 1~9~. With the further request that same be dedicated for the use and pur- poses of public streets. NOW, THEEFOE, BE IT RESOLVED: That this Council do~s hereby accept said Deed for and in behalf of said City, and do here- by declare that said lands as described in said 'Deed be and the same are hereby dedicated for public streets. The Clerk of this 0ouncil is hereby a. uthorized and direct- ed to cause said ,Deed to be '?]~iled for record in the of'fi6~e"0f the County Recorder of Kern County, California I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoi~ Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the. 7~/~A day of .... , 1920, by the following vote: , Ayes- ~.u~hman, Gilchrist, Hinman, Hougham, Renfro, Willow, 'Absex'Lt - __~- '. · . City Cci3. rk o f the Council of theCity of Bakersfield. APPROVED this ?7'~_day 0 f ~ ~, 1920. ~ tW~'Ol~' of t~ak~'sfield.