HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 4-20 PJ~SOLUTION. NO o 4-20 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING GRANT OF AN EASH~ENT IN AND TO REAL PROPERTY CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF B~XERSFIELD, FOR SE~R PUPPOSES. BE I~ RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CIW OF B~XERSFIELD, as follows: V~EEAS, certain omaers of property in Blocks 38, 39, 40 .and 41 in the Soather'n Addition in the City of Bakers field have executed and delivered their deed. conveyi~ an easement in and to certain. real property to the City of Bakersfield. with the request that said lmds be used'for sewer' purposes the grsmtors, date of said deed and the easement ponveyed therein bei~ as follows: Deed from E~[ILY S. ENCH, KATE ENCH XORTON, ~NA M. CLP][, JPJ~fES E. BOLENDEE, ~LE~fA BOLENDER, LILLIE ~. BOLENDER, PE~ L. ¥fINTERS CELIA HOLTBY, A.H. DRISDON, E.W. WINT~S, W.L. BOLENDER, HUGH E. IXOR- TON, CLI~ON C'~yBY, BLP~CHE GREENE, N. L] H~ZL, and E. N. WIL'LIP~S, dated. March 8th, 1920, conveyi~ m. easement in md to the followi~ described property: 0n and aloes a, line be~inni~ at a oint in the easterly line of Oleander Avenue 1~7 feet nor~heri :~from tee northerly line of' Dracena ~treet thenc& easterly on a ~ine parallel to th% center ~ine of Dracena Street to the westerly line of'H Street' all as sho~ u~Don the official map of the City of Bakersfield, filed in the of rite bf the County Recorder of Kern' County, California, ,~ove~oer 25, 1,~9 . And whereas said grantors have requested that said easement so grated be used. for sewer purposes. NOW, THEREFOE, BE IT P~SOLVED: That this Council does hereby accept said Grant for md in behalf of said City,. ~d do hereby declare that said easement in and to said l~ds as described in said. Deed be md the same are hereby dedicated for sewer parposes~ The Clerk of this Council is hereby authorized. and directed to cause said Deed to be filed for record in the office of the 'Comty Recorder of Kern~ County, California. I HEi~jSY CE]~TI'BY T~.T the fo'regoi~ Resolution was passed mad adopted. by the Cotmcil' of the City. of BakerSfield on the ~[~5ay of .... ~ ., 1920, by the followi~ vote: -1- Ayes - Baughman, Gilchrist, fiinman, H~ugham, Renfro, ~/L----t--,w, Wilson. Nay~ -...~ ............................................. : .................................... Absent - ._.Z~-g=-~ ~ e~D, 8d-~8 YJity ~k af the Council of the City of Bakersfield; ~PROVED this/~/~qday of ~ __, 1920, the City of Bakers fieldo