HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 12-19Ill~SOLUTION. No. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING ORANT CONTAINF. D .IN DEED DialED OCIO~.n nO, 191 . ~ER.~II~ ~I~ COUNI~ O~ KE~Y CONV~SCERTAIN R AL PROPER'rY TO 'i'HE CI'TY OF B~XEr~SFIELD FOR STREET PU]RPOSES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B~.KERSFIELD. as follows: V~hereas, the County of Kern. a Bolitical .Subdivision of the State of California has throug~-~h its Board of Supervisors caused a Deed to be executed by H. I. TUE,.IAN, as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. dated October 20, 1919. wherein said Comity 6~ra.nts cer- tain lands to the City of Bakersfield, with the request that same be used for the p~rposes set forth in. said Deed, said lands being more particularl.y described as fol].ows: Be~irmind~_, at the intersection of the east boundary line of N Street eb~ende~" with the~ south boundary line of Twenty-sixth S[rieet extended, s, ccordi~g to the :'~ap of the City of Bakersfiela filed in to.h office of the t~ecor~er of Ker~ County California November 2~th, 9~ thence southerl alon~ the east boundary line of ~ Street extended ~o center line of ~mamma"~Sloa~h thence so,~th westerly alor~ the cen er line of Panarf~ Slo:~-o-h to tide'west boundary line of N Street, thence northerly alon~. the"~..Vest boundary line of N Street extended to the so,~th boundar ~'~line of Twent~-sixth Street extended, thence easter y alon~ the sou'~h boundary lin.~ of ~['wenty-sixbh Street extended to the poii~ of e~inmi:.%g. ' And whereas s~id County has requeste~ that said land so grsnted be dedicated for the use and purposes of public streets. NO~~. THEREFOF~E, BE IT RESOLVED: That this Council does here- by accept said Grant for and in behalf of said City. an~ do hereby declare that said lands as describe~ in said Deed be and the same are hereby dedicated for public streets. The Clerk of this Cou~ci! is hereby authorized and directed to cause said Deed to be filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of Kern County, California° I HEK, TBY CERTIFY that the fore~ZoirlZ 'Resolution was passed and. adopted by the Council of the City of Baker~fiel5 on the /gPzzT/t -1- day of , 1919, by the followfil~,; vote: Ayes- Baughman, Gilchrist Hinman, llougham, Renfro, ~1~, Wilson. '~t~:" ...................................................................................................... Citv Ci~'~h' ~,nd ex-offfSib ~lerk of the C~ufici! of the City of Bakersfield., APPROVED this/O~ ay o f ~., 1919, the City of Bakers field