HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 10-19 i~SOLUTION. NO. 10~19 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING GR~NT CONTAINED'IN DEED D~TED N'OV~iBER 11~ ~[HEREIN C~LIF01~IIA AVENUE PARK TRACT k C~ O~AFION CONVEY CERTiIN REAL PRO- PERTY TO TiE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FOR STREET PURPOSES° BE IT RESOLVED BY THE.. COUNCIL OF THE CI'Ff OF B~XERSFIELD, as follows: WHERE,.S, the CALIFOI~IA AVEN~IE PARK TRicOT, a Corporation has executed a Deed by H. A. JASTRO, as President, and H, F. SL,~ITH .as Secretary, respectively, of said California Aven~e Park Tract, dated November 3, 1919, wherein said corporation grants certain lands to the City of Bakersfield, an~ has delivered said Deed to the Council of the City of Bakersfield, with the request that same be used for the purposes set forth in said Deed, said lands bei~ more particularly described as follows: Begimi~ at a o,int in the westerlz line of Union Avenue at its inter~ectio~ with ~he n~rtherlv line oF Section Th'rtv-one (31) Touship Twenty-nine (2/) South, Ri~e Twenty-eight (2~) East Momt D~able B~se ~d M~ridian~ then~'e westerly ~1o~ the nor~herl line of said Section Thirty-one (~1) to a ~oint north of the nort~- east corner of Block Twelve (12) ~n Lhe Lowell ~.ddition, as shovm on the map of the City of Bakersfield. filed in the office of the Co~mty Recorder of Kern Count ~ the Twenty-fifth da of No'vember 1898~' thence southerly at rig~L a~les, to the north-east comer of said Block 12~ thence easterIy on ~g line parallel to the northerly line of said Section Thirty-one (31), to ~ oint in the westerly line of Union .Avenue; then northerly along ~he westerly line of Union Avenue to the point of beginner. ~md whereas said corporation has requested that said land so grated be dedicated for the use ~d purposes of public streets. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That this Council does here- by accept said Grit for and in behalf of said City, and do hereby declare that said. lands as described in said Deed be ~d the s~ne are hereby ~edicated' for public streets. The Clerk of this Co~cil is hereby authorized and directed to cause said. Deed. to be filed for record in the office of the Gouty Recorder of Kern County, California. I HEI~BY CERTI~ that the foregoi~ Resolution was passed and adopted by the Comcil of the City of SkkerSfield on the -!- day of ~ __, 1919, b~ the following vote: ~,PPmvm TH~S / Oz/~,ay o f _7~L~%~_..__, 1919. A. yes - Baughman, Gilchrist, Hinman, }Iougham, Renfro, ~, Wfison. City Clerk of th Co~cil of the City of Bakers field. } U~e' bity of Bakersfield.