HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 11-18 RESOLUTI ON 11-~s A,. RESOLUTI ON AUTHORIZING THE E~LPLOY~ENT OF PERSONS AND THE EXPENDITURE OF ~ONEY FOR THE ENFOROF~ENT OF THE RED LIGHT ABATEMENT ACT AND OTHER LAWS AND THE ORDINANCES 0F THE CITY OF .BAKERSFIELD AND AUTHORIZING'THE CITY AUDITOR TO DPJ~W WARRANTS N0T EXCEEDING ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, UPON WRITTEN ORDER THk~{EFOR. WHERFI S, The immediate pre servati on o f the publ i c heal th, peace and safety, and the daily operation of the Police Department, require the passage of an emergency Resolution providin~ for the employment of persons and the. expenditure of money in the enforcement of laws and Ordinances affecting the public welfare, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Council of the City of Bakers- field that all proper means be employed for the suppression of vice and immorality, and the enforcement of all laws and ordinances affecting the publ i c wel fare; NOW THEREFORE,, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, AS FOLLOWS: That the City Nanager be authorized., and he is hereby author- ized to employ such pe~s6ns and. to expend such money as he may deem fit and proper for the purp0'~e~,of suppressing vice and immorality, and for procuring evidence to be' placed before the proper authorities, for the enforcement of the Red Light Abatement Act, or any other law, or any Ordinance of the City of Bakersfield, where such evidence is necessary for or would aid. in the enforcement of such Act. Law or Ordinance; said expenditures to b? approved by the ~ and the City, Attorney, respectively, of said City of Bakersfield, and the City Auditor is hereby empowered and directed to draw a warrant, or warrants, on the City Treasurer, upon the written ~order 0f said City Nanager', duly approved by said ~;~a'-and City ittorney, not to ex~cee~ in the aggre- gate the sum of'~:~OU~ND DOLMRS ($1,000.00). I hereby certify t~t the foreSoi~ ResOlution ~s ~ssed and adopted by the' Council of the City of Bakersfield., at a regular meeting of said CounCil held on the 28th day of October, 1918, by the foil. owing vote: A Y E S: Y~, NAYS: AB SENT: k of the City Clerk" ex-ef Co~cil ef B~kersfield. APPROVED this ~ fday of October, 1918. Nayor k~rsfi eld.