HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 6-17Rie s oiu% i on NO o - 6'17 !{esoluti6n t'ransferring t'he residue of"the fUndS .0f the ~nblis C~,s:rity'Eundh, into ~]le Cenc'ral Fun~ of the-City :of Bakersfield, Be it rese!v'e~ 'by the CounCil of the City of Bakprsfie!d; that ~he: resi~dne. ~ the i~ublic Hea!tY~ Fl]~,d for i915 ,'One-thoLSand two-hind~ed. sixty-three dollars and .thirtyjttiree cent's(f~'!263,33) be. transferred to t~he OeneraZ Fund .of ~6he City of Bakersfield,and the /uditor. and-~he Cit~Z~ Troasurer are ~ereby authorized and dir0cted. .to ".transfer. said .OHe thousand .~wo h~nad~d sixty-three .dollars and thirtv~three cents .from the He~;!the Fund '~ t0 the .General Fund of the Cityj of .Bakersfie!d~ .. .. z .. · ' ' ' .~ I hereby certify' that the foregoin.g r~Sotut.ion Was-passed ' and adopted by the YCouncil of the .City-.gf B~ersfie!d~his .~ " ~i{V Clerk-.and e~:-offioiO Clerk of' tj~[e C Council of %he. City of B~]~:erSfiei~, ! hereby 'ap!~rove the forogoing Roso!utionthis ~ d-~y of ~ ~ i917. ].!ayor _ _ B~kersfintd, .f