HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 128-60RESOLUTION NO..128-60 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BAKIatSFIEID CALLING A 'SPECIAL ELECTION TO BB HELD ON THE 7th DAY OF MARCH, 1961, PIR1TAINING. TO THE ANNEXATION OF BRITE NO. 3 TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFiELD, ES- TABLISHING VOTING PRBCINCT, POLLING PLACE AND OFPICBR. SOP ELECTION FOR SAID ELECTION, AND PRESCRIBING PBBS TO BE PAID TO SAID OPPICBR$ OP ELECTION AR~ POR SAID POLLING PLACE. WHER~S, a written petition was filed with the Council of the City of Bakersfield, requesting that certain inhabited territory therein described be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, and. WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 117-60, the Council of. the City of Bakersfielddeclared its intentionto call a'sPecial election'in certain inhabited territory contiguous to said city proposed to be annexed to said city, for the purpose of.submitting to the qualified electors residing in said territory the question ~hether or not said· territory shall be. annexed to said city, and setting forth a time and place of hearing' protests against said proposed election, and WHERBAS, a copy of said resolution was published as required by law; and . WH~BAS, prior to and at the time set for hearing protests to the proposed election written protests were not made by owners of one-half of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed, as shown by the last equalized assessment roll and no protest was made by public and priva~e Owners equal to one-half of the value of said territory, and WHER~AS, all proceedings have been had in accordance with said resolution and the Annexation Act of 1913, reference thereto hereby being made for further particulars, NOW, THmEFCI.(E, BE 'IT RESOLV~ by ihe 'CounCil"o~;;~he' City of Bakersfield, as. follows: · SECTION 1. A.speCial .el~.-ction is hereby called to be held on the ?th day :of March, 1961, in the territory hereinafter described and proposed to beannexed to the'City of Bakersfield, for the purpose'of submitting to the qualified electors residing in said territory the question whefher or not said territory shall be annexed to the-City of Bakers- field and the 'property in the territory to be'annexed be subjected-to -taxation. after annexation equally with the property within the City of Bakersfieldt to pay the bonded indebtedness of the City of Bakers~. field outstanding for the acquisition, construction or completion of 'municipal improvements. SECTION 2. That said territory iS hereby designated and identifledfor' such. election~purposes and for use upon the ballots at such election as,'BRIT~ NO. 3", and iS described.as follows:- A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern, State'of California, and'being a portion of Section 1, Township 30 South, Range 27' M. D. Mo: Beginning at the northeast (N. ~.) corner of Lot 17 insaid Section 1', Said northeast (N. E.) corner being the intersection of t.he south line of Terrace Way of 60 feet in width, with the west 'line of South "H" Street, also kno~m as Kern Island Road, of 60 feet in width, and as said Lot 17 is shown on the "Kern County Sales Map No. 1 Of Lands of J. B. HaEgint" filed May 3, 1889, in the office of the County Recorder of said Kern County~ a point on t.he current corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield; thence northerly, anddeparting 'frOm said corporate 'boundary,'-alonE the northerly prolongation of .the easterly.boundary of said Lot 17, on'and along a line parallel .with, distant 30 feet westerly, as measured perpendicular. to the easterly boundary of said Section 1, to the northeast (N. ~. ) corner of Lot .1, in TRACT NO..1075,. as per ma~ .recorded July 30, 1938, in Book 4 of Maps at'page 122, in the office of the said County Recorder; thenceWesterly'along the northerly boundary of said TRACT NO. 1075 to the northwest corner of Lot 9~ in said TRACT NO. 1075; thence southerly alonE the westerly boundary of said Lot 9, andt~e so~herly prolonEation ~hereof,' to.the northwes~ corner-of Lot 14 .in said TRACT NO. 1075; thence.easterly along the northerly boundary of said Lot 14 to'intersect theeasterlyboundary of the west half (W~ 1/2) of said Lot 14, as. described in that particular Grant Deed dated December 23, 1957, and recorded December 31t 1957, in.Book 2886, at page 288, Offi'cial Records of said Kern County; thence southerly 'along last named:easterly boundary to intersect the southerly boundary of said Lot 14~ a 'point on the southerly boundaryof said TRACT ..... N6'.'10~;' th~'n'ce~'e~as'terl~ alo~g'iaSt"~e~ ~therl~"b6h~'d~y"to intersect the easterly boundary of the West half (W. 1/2).of Lot 16, and as said Lot 16 is shovm on the said "Kern.County Sales Map 'No. 1 of Lands of J. B. Haggin"; thence southerly along the -.'easterly boundary of the North 90.5 feet of ~he northWest.quarter (N. W~. 1/4) of said LOt 16, and as described by that. certain Grant Deed dated August 10, 1938, and recorded August16, 1938, in Book 819 at page 232 Official Records of Kern County, and continuing southerly along the said easterly boundary of the West half (W. 1/2) of Lot 16, to intersect the southerly boundary of that certain parcel of land described bY that particular Grant Deed dated March 26, and recorded April 11, 1947,'in Book 1410, at page 378, Officia! Records of Kern County; thence westerly along last named southerly boundary, and the westerly prolongation thereof, parallel with and distant 172. feet northerly from, and as measured perpendicular to the center line of Terrace Nay, to intersect the westerly line of Houchin Road of 40 feet in the width; thence northerly along' said westerly line of Houchin Road, on and along a line parallel with, distant 20 feet westerly. as measured per.pendicular to the easterly boundary of Lot 15 i:n said Section 1, and as said Lot 15 is shown on the'Said "Kern. County Sales Map No. 1 of Lands of J..B~ Haggin," to intersect..the northerly boundary of that certain'parcel of land described by that particular Grant Deed dated October 8, 1940, and'. recorded November 7,'1940, in'Book 969, at page 271 Official Records of Kern County, distant N. 0° 03' 20" E., 351.10 feet as measured along the center-line of said Houchin Road from the Center-line of said Terrace Way; thence N. 89° 49' 00, W., along the last named northerly' boundary a distance of 285.17 feet to the northwest corner of that parcel of land described by last named Grant Deed; thence S. 0O 03' 55" W., along the westerly boundary of last named parcel~of land a distance of 19,feet. to the southwest corner thereof; thence N. 89° 49' 00" Wo, along the northerly boundary of that certain parcel'of land described. by that particular Deed dated November 1, 1939, and recorded November- 18, 1939, in Book 901, at page 296, Official Records of Kern County, a distance of 25.00 feet, to the northwest corner of that parcel of land described by said last named Deed; thence continuing N~ 89° 4.9' 00".W., along the northerly boundary and the westerly prolongation thereof, of that certain parcel of land. deScribed by that .particular Grant Deed dated OCtober 29, 1956, and recorded November. 309 1956, in Book 2697 at page 6, OfficialRecords of Kern County, a distance of' 360.17 feet, to intersect aline parallel with and distant 30 feet westerly, as measured perpendicular to the easterly boundary of Lot 14 in said Section 1, and as said last named Lot 14 ks shown. on the said "Kern County Sales Map No..1 of Lands of J. B. Haggins"' said last named parallel line also being the westerly line of 'Oleander Avenue of 60 feet in width; thence southerly along last namedparallel line, along the westerly line of said Oleander Avenue and the southerly prolongation thereof to intersect the prolongation of the northerly line of Bradford Street of 60 feet in width,. and as said Oleander Avenue and said Bradford Street are shown on the map of:TRACT NO. 1113, recorded October 20, 1939, in Book 4 of Maps at page. 168, in the office of the said County Recorder; thence 'easterly along last named prolongation and along the northerly line of said Bradford. Street to intersect the northerly prolongation of the westerly boundary of the EaSt 10 feet of Lot 52, in said TRACT NO. 1113, as per Grant Deed dated Marchg~ 1960, and recorded May 1960, in Book 3265 at page 158, Official Records of Kern County; thence southerly along the northerly prolongation and along the westerly boundary of the East 10 feet of said Lot 52, and along ..the sgut_he~i..p~9~Qngatio~ thereof, .._t.q:!~terS~ct the .po~~y boundary of Lot 69, in said TRACT NO, 1113; thence-easterly alonE last named northerly boundary to. the northeast'corner of said Lot 69; thence southerly alonE the easterly boundary of said Lot and"alonE the southerly. prolongation thereof to intersect the southerly. line of Lest. er Street as same iS shovm on-the map of said TRACT NO, 1113; thence easterly alonE the southerly line of said Lester Street to intersect the northerly prolongation of ~he easterly boundaryof TRACT NO, 1217, as per map thereof recorded .May. 15, 1942, in Book 5 of Maps at page 60, in the'office of the said County Recorder; thence southerly along last named northerly prolongation. and along the e'asterly boundary of said TRACT NO. 1217 to the southeast (S. ~.) corner of Lot 9 in said TRACT NO. 1217; thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said Lot 9, to the southwest(S. W.) corner thereof, a point in the easterly line of Caylor Street of 60 feet in width, and as same is shown on the map of TRACT NO..1217; thence southerly along said easterly line Of Caylor Street to intersec~ the southerly boundary of that certain parcel of land described by Grant Deed dated June 23, 1960, and recorded July 6, 1960, in Book 3281, at page. 298, Official Records of said Kern County; thence easterly along last named southerly boundary', parallel with the southerly. boundary of Lot 31,.in said Section 1,' and as said Lot 31 is shown on the said "Kern County . "' distantl50 feet north- Sales Map No 1 of Lands of Jo B. Haggin, erly from the southerly boundary of and as measured along the easterly boundary of said Lot 31, to' intersect the westerly boundary of that certain parcel of land described by that Grant Deed dated July 1, 1958, and recorded July 15, 1958, in Book 2978 at.page 458, Official Records of said Kern County; thence southerly along last named westerly boundary' and the southerly prolongation thereof, parallel with and distant 200.26 feet westerly from the easterly boundary of said Lot 31, and as measured along the center=line of the County Road lying along the southerly boundary of said Lot 31 of 60 feet in width, known aS Belle Terrace~ to intersect the southerly line of said Belle Terrace, a point.on the northerly boundary.' of Lot '33. in said Section 1, and as said Lot 33 is sho,~m on the-said ,'Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of Lands of J. B. Haggin"; thence westerly along northerly boundary of said Lot 33 to intersect the northerly prolongat'ion of the easterly boundary.of Lot 8 and as said Lot 8 is shown on the mapof TRACT NO. 1594,.recorded April 12, 1951, in Book 7 of.Maps at page 143, in the office of the said County Recorder; thence southerly along last named northerly prolongation and along the easterly boundaryof said Lot 8 to the ~. southeast (S. E.) corner thereof, a point on the northerly boundary of TRACT. NO. 1380; thence easterly along last named northerly boun~ dary and _along the easterly prolongation thereof~ and as said north- erly boundary is shown on the map of TRACT NO~1380 recorded May 14, .1947, in Book 6 of Maps, at page 40, in the office of the said County Recorder, to the southeast (S. ~,) corner of that parcel of land described by that particular Grant Deed dated June 5, 1959, and recorded July 17, 1959~ in Book 3164 at pages. 105 and 106, Official Records of said Kern' County; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of the said last named parcel of land, parallel with,.distant 125.feet westerly from the easterly boundary of the said last named Lot33, and as measuredalong. the northerly boundary of said Lot 33, to intersect the southerly boundary of that.certain parcel 0f-land described by that particular Grant Deed dated June 259 1959, and recorded. July 17, 1959, in Book 3164, at page 190, Official Records of said Kern. County; thence easterly along last named southerly boundary, parallel with the northerly boundary of said Lot 33,..to intersect the easterly boundary of said Lot 33, distant thereon'120'feet~sou~herly from the nor~'heast~-(N~"~.)-corner thereof;.--'- thence northerly along the easterly boundary of said Lot 33 and the northerly prolongation thereof, along a.line parallel withy distant 30 feet westerly as measured perpendicular to' the easterly boundary of'said Section 1~ cn and along the corporate' boundary of. the City of Bakersfield as same is defined by that certain Annexation designated Castro and a portion of Bakersfield South, which shall include all of said territory.. The following is the polling place of said election precinct and the following named persons are hereby named officers of election and shall constitute the board of election for such election precinct: POLLING PLACE: INSPECTOR: JUDGE: JUDGE: Charles Jonas (Residence) 2021 Belle Terrace Bakersfield, Kern County, Calif. Mrs. Alice A. Jonas Mrs. Majorie K. Parley Mrs. Virginia Lo Spawn (b) For their services in connection with said election, said Inspector shall receive $21.00 and said Judges shall receive $18.00 each; and the person in possession of the polling place named herein shallreceive for the use of such premises in connection with said election the sum of $18.00. · ' SECTION 6. The City Clerk shall publish a notice'of said special election as required by the Annexation Act of 1913, at least-once a week for the four (4) weeks prior to the election~ in the Oildale NewS a news= paper of general circulation, printed and published outside the City, but'in the County inwhich the territory is situated. ..... o0o ..... I HBREBY CBRTIPY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 271h day of December~ 1960, by' the following vote: ~yESi BALFA."IZ, BENTLEY, C~RN.\IiIS, COLLINS, CROES, DOOLIN, STIERD3, HOES:--~- ~ ~ · '~BSENT:__~Z~'~-~-~ - , ,__,, ,~,~,. : ." ,. :"~';,¢:,' City Clerk and ~=OIiicio Clerk ot the ' ,"',,~:-7',,7.'13i'(.)'.:"~5':-.'~. ,- Council of the City of Bakersfield. AP~k'OVE5 "~i'7-~;;-aa of December, 16. By as the "El Camino District" as approved by Ordinance No. 8769 New Series, adopted June 19, 1950, t'othe aforesaid northeast(N° E.) corner of Lot 17, in said Section 1, the point of beginning of this description~ containing 46.005 acres of land more or lesso SECTION 3. The polls at said election shall be opened at ? o~clock of the day heroin fixed for the holding of said election and sha!l be kept open until ? o'clock P. M.~ of the same day~ when the polls shall be closed. SECTION 4. Upon the ballotsto be used 'at said election there shall be printed. the words: SHALL "BRITB NO. 3" BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY 0P BAKERSFIELD AND THE PROPERTY IN SUCH TERRITORY BB~ AFTER SUCH ANNBXA- TION~ SUBJECTED TO TAXATION EQUALLY WITH THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OP BAKBRSPIBLD, TO PAY THE BONDED INDBBT~ tDNBSS O[. THE CITY OP BAKBRSFIEID OUTSTANDING PeR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION OR COMPLETION OF MUNICIPAL IMPR OVB~BNTS .? Opposite these words there shall be printed the words and "No" and to the right of each of these last two words there shall be a voting square. If an elector Shall stamp a cress (+') in the voting square after the printed word "Yes" the vote of'such elector shall be counted in favor of the annexation of said territory to the City of Bakersfield; and if an elector shall stamp a cross (+) in the voting square after the printed word ."No', the vote of such elector shall be counted against such annexation. In all particulars not herein recited said electi'on shall be held in conformity, as near as may beg with th'e laws of the State of California concerning general elections and with said Annexation' Act of 1913. SBCTION 5 (a) Per the purpose of said,election there is hereby established in the' territory proposed to be annexed, one (1) voting precinct Con- 'sisring of a portion of Precinct Castre ~ast~ a'portion of Precinct