HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 119-60RESOLUTION N0. 119-60 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DECLARING RESULTS OF GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION FOR THE OFFICE OF MAYOR AND OF SPECIAL MUNICIPAL. ELECTION ON A PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT, HELD IN SAID CITY ON NOVEMBER 8, 1960. WHEREAS, thi, s Council duly and'-regularly called and provided for the holding of a special election within the City of Bakersfield on November 8, 1960, for the purpose of submitting the following proposition to the voters: PROPOSITION N0. I (A) I ! I ! T T OFFICERS APPOINTED BY THE COUNCIL (Section 34) and CREATION AND ESTABLISHMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE (Section (208) 1). ShallSection 34 of the City Charter be amended to provide that the City Attorney shall be appointed to serve under con- tract for a period of four years from and after the date 'of his appointment and shall Section 34 b~ f~rther amended to include ~h~I ~Uditorium l t 'YES Manager, whose term of office shall be established, by ordinance; and shall Section(208) I of said , City Charter be amended toinclude the City ! NO Attorney and the Auditorium Manager among those ~ excepted. from the provisions of Civil Service? , T T T I/ AND WHEREAS, said Council further calledand provided. for the hq~ding of a general electionon said 8th day of November, 1960, for the purpose of electing a Mayor in said City, as follows: MAYOR Frank Sullivan Mayor of Bakersfield Gene Winer.- f VOTE FOR l .. T_ AND WHEREAS, said special and general elections were duly and regularly consolidated with the State General Election held in said City on November 8, 1960, and the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern was duly authorized to canvass the returns of said special and general elections, and WHEREAS, said Board of Supervisors, through special canvassing boards appointedby it, duly canvassed the absentee ballots cast at said.elections,and ordered the County. Clerk of the'County of Kern to canvass all of the returns of said elections, and said Board has adopted its resolution stating the results of said elections, and the Clerk of said Board has entered in the records of said Board statements of said results, and the Clerk of said Board has trans- mitted to the Clerk of this Council a certified copy of said reso- lution and the same has been presented to this Council. NOW, TKEREFORE, the COuncil of the City of Bakersfield does _NE. REBY RESOLVE', DETERMINE, AND DECLARE AS FOLLOWS: 1. That from the results of said special election certified to this Council as aforesaid, it appears and this Council hereby finds and declares that the total number of votes cast at the respective election precincts established for said special and general elections upon the proposition hereinabove set forth and for the office. of Mayor, and for ~and against said proposition, the total number of'absentee votes cast at said election Upon said proposition and for and against said proposition and ~or the office of Mayor, and the total number of votes cast in said city upon said proposition and for and against said proposition and for the office of Mayor, are as set forth in said Resolution of the Board of Super- vi s or s~-of_Kern .:County ,. Cal i£~rn~a~ _-sta t~ng res. U~..9~I ~ an~ass_ of.. election returns of special municipal election andof said general municipal.election of the City of BakerSfield held November 8, 1960, a copy of which Resolution is on file in the office of the City Clerk.. voted on at said election are as followsx That the total votes cast on' the foregoing proposition City of Bakersfield Proposition No. I (A): Absentee Vote: GRAND TOTAL: 6,508 12,309 6,946 12,770 That a majority of the qualified electors Voting at said election voted against said proposition. 3. That the names of the candidates for the office of Mayor for said city and the number of votes given in the city for each such person, are as follows:~ Frank Sullivan ..... ......... Gene Winer ... ..... ....... VOTES ABSENTEE 'CAST V0~ES ll,2?O 581 11,873 539 GRAND TOTAL- TOTAL VOTES 11,851 24,263 That Gene Winer is hereby declared to be elected to the office of Mayor for the City of Bakersfield for the full term of four years anduntil'his successor is elected and qualified, unless sooner removed from office by recall oP otherwise. 4. That the Clerk of the Council is hereby instructed to enter in full on the minutes of this Council the results of said election. -----000 ..... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meet- ing thereof held on the 28th day Of November, 1960, by the following vote: Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield.