HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 116-60 RESOLUTION NO.. i.!_1_6r60 A RESOLUTION OP' THE COUNCIL OP THE' CITY .OF BAKBRSPIELD DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CALL A SPECIAL ELECTION IN CERTAIN INHABITED TERRITORY CONTIGUOUS TO SAID CITY PROPOSED TO BE ANNEXED THERETO, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIPIED ELECTORS RESIDING IN SAID TERRITORY THE QUESTION WHETHER SAID TERRITORY SHALL BE AN' NEXED'TO THE CITY OP BAKERSPIELD, AND FIXING A TIME AND PLACE ~HEN AND WHERE ANY PERSON OWNING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SUCH TERRITORY MAY APPEAR BEPORE SAID COUNCIL AND SHOW CAUSE WHY SUCH TERRITORY SHOULD NOT BE SO ANNEXED. BB IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield: SECTION 1. That it is the intention of the Council of the City of Bakersfield to call a special election-to be held in certain inhabited territory contiguous to said city, proposed to be annexed thereto,. for the-purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing in said territory the questi6n whether or not said'territory shall be annexed to the City of Bakersfield and the property in the territory to be annexed be subjected to taxation after annexation equally with the property within the City of Bakersfield, to pay the bonded indebtedness of the City of Bakersfield outstanding for the acquisition, construction or completion of municipal improvements. That a description of said territory is attached hereto marked Exhibit A, and made a part hereof.. SECTION 2. That said territory is hereby designated and identified for such election purposes and for use upon the ballots at such election as "BRITE NO. 2." SECTION 3. Notice is hereby given that on the 12th day of · December. ., 1960 , at the hour of 8:00 P.M., in the Council Chamber in the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, 'any ~ers0h ownin~ 'r~al pr'Opei~ Wi~h'iff'~£d"te~fi~6~' ~b 'pr~6sed"to be annexed and having any objection to the proposed annexation may 'appear before said Council and show cause why such territory should not be'so annexed. Such protest mus! be filed in'writing not later than the ho~r set for hearing objections to the election', and shall state in general terms the name or names of the owne~ or owners of the property affected and the location and area of such property. SECTION 4. That the City Clerkshall certify-to the adoption of this resolution and-cause the same to be published once a week for .two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published in the territory proposed' to be annexed, or, if there is none, in a newspaper of general circulation published in the city. I H~REBY CERTIPY that the foregoing Resolution was passed .and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 21st day of November ', 1950, by .the following vote: ~'E~: ~AL~AHZ. BENTLEY, .CARNAKtS, COLLINS, CROES, DOOL[N, S1'IERr~, NOES: .... ~ ~ - ABSENT:,' .... ,/~,¢m-/,r~ ..... ~ City f~e~k' ~ Ex-Otf ~cio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. APPROV~.D this 21st day of November , 1960. MAYOR ok the City of 'Bakersfield. Description of a parcel of land to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, and which is to be designated as.BRITE NO. 2, said parcel described as follows: A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern, State of California, and being a portion of Section 31, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M.D.M., also a portion of Section 6, Township 30 South, Range 28 East, M.D.M., also a portion of Section 1, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M., and also a portion of Section 36, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.M.; Beginning at the northeast corner of.Lot 17, in said Section 1, said point of beginning also being the intersection of the southerly line of Terrace Way, of 60 feet in width, and the westerly line of South "H" Street, also known as Kern Island Road, of 60 feet in width, and as said lot corner is shown on the ~JKern County Sales Map No. 1 of Lands.of J. B. Haggin'j, filed for record May 3, 1889, in the office of the County Recorder of said Kern County, a point on the current corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield; thence easterly along the easterly prolongation of the northerly boundary of said Lot 17, on and along said corporate boundary, and as same is defined by that Annexation designated as the."E1 Camino District", as annexed by a Special Election held June 13, 1950, and which was approved June 19, 1950, by Ordinance No. 876, New Series, to intersect a line parallel with, distant 30 feet easterly as measured perpendi- cular to the westerly boundary of said Section 6; thence northerly along last named parallel line, and along the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, as same is defined by that Annexation designated as Terrace Gardens, as adopted January 3, 1950, by Ordinance No. 857, New Series, to intersect the northerly line of Terrace Way, and as said Terrace.Way is shown on the map of the Virginia Tract, recorded in Book 3 of Maps, at page 70, in the office of the said County Recorder; (the last above described intersection and the last above named course are described by said Ordinance No. 857, New Series, as quote, ~JBeginning at the point of intersection of the northerly line of Terrace Way with the westerly boundary line of the Virginia Tract as said Way and Tract are shown on the map of the Virginia Tract recorded in Map Book 3, Page 70, Official Records of Kern County, California, said point of intersection being the most southerly southwesterly corner of the corporate limits of the City of Bakersfield, California~j, end quote, the most southerly, southwesterly corner of the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield at the date of the annexation of Terrace Gardens, "January 3, 1950", was the intersection of the northerly line of said Terrace Way with the easterly line of South "H" Street, of 60 feet in width, herein above described as a line parallel with, distant 30 feet-easterly, as measured per- pendicular to the.westerly boundary of said Section 6, the corporate boundary being defined by that Special Election held March 21, 1939) EXHIBIT A thence continuing northerly along said parallel line, distant 30 feet easterly, as measured perpendicular to the westerly boundary of said Section 6, and the northerly prolongation there- of on and along the corporate boundary of the.City of.Bakersfield as same isdefined by that certain Special Election held March 21, 1939, to intersect the northerly line of.Brundage Lane of 60 feet in width; thenCe westerly along last named northerly line, along a line parallel with, distant 30 feet northerly, as measured perpendi- cular to the southerly boundaries of said Sections 31 and 36, on and along said corporate boundary as same is defined by said last named Special Election to intersect the northerly prolongation of the westerly boundary of Lot 3, in said Section 1, and as said .Lot 3 is shown on the said "Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of Lands of J. B. Haggin"; thence southerly, departing from the corporate boundary of the~City of Bakersfield, along last named northerly prolongation, and along said westerly boundary of Lot 3 to the southwest corner thereof; thence.continuing southerly along the westerly boundary of Lot 14, in said Section 1, and as said Lot 14 is shown on the said J'Kern County Sales Map No. 1 of Lands of J. B. Haggin", to intersect a line parallel with, distant 30 feet southerly as measured perpendicular to the northerly boundary of said .Lot 14, said last named parallel line also being the southerly line of Brite Street of 60 feet in width; thence .easterly along last named parallel line to intersect the easterly boundary of that certain parcel of land described in that particular Grant Deed dated July 19, 1955, and recorded July 26, 1955, in Book 2464 at page 239, Official Records of said Kern County~ thence southerly along last named easterly boundary a distance of 114.10 feet, to the southeast corner of last named parcel of land; thence continu- ing southerly along the easterly boundary of that certain parcel of land described in Grant Deed dated February 23, 1959, and re- corded April 29, 1959, in Book 3123 at page 497, Official Records, of said.Kern County, a distance of 85 feet more or less to intersect the northerly boundary of TRACT NO. 1917; ~hence.S.89°52'20~., along last.named northerly boundary as per map thereof recorded July 3, 1957, in Book 9 of Maps, at page 148, in the office of the said County Recorder, a distance of 280.01 feet more or less to the northeast corner of said TRACT NO. 1917; thence .southerly along the easterly boundary of said TRACT NO. 1917 to intersect the northerly boundary of that certain parcel of land described in that particular Grant.Deed dated January 6, 1959, and recorded January 22, 1959, in Book 3069 at page 15, Official Records of Kern County, distant 378 feet north of the Southerly boundary of said.Lot 14 and as. measured along the easterly boundary thereof; thence easterly along last named northerly boundary, parallel 'with the southerly boundary of said Lot 14, a distance of 273.25 feet, to intersect a line parallel with, distant 30 feet westerly, as measured perpendicular to the easterly boundary of said Lot.14; thence southerly along las~ named parallel line, said parallel line.also being the westerly line of.Oleander. Avenue, of 60 feet in width, to intersect the westerly prolongation of the northerly boundary of that certain parcel of land described by that parti- cular Grant Deed dated October 29, 1956, and recorded November 30, 1956, in Book 2697 at page 6, Official Records of Kern County, distant N.0°04'30'~., 332.74 .feet-, measured along the center-line of said Oleander Avenue, from the intersection of the last named center-line.with 'the center-line of Terrace-Way, sai~ intersection being described as the southwest (S.W.) corner of Lot 15 in said Section 1, by the last above named Grant'Deed, and as said .Lot 15 is shown on the said '%ern County Sales Map Noo 1 of Lands of J. B. Haggin"; ~hence S.89°49'00~o, along last'named westerly prolongation, and along the northerly boundary of that parcel of land conveyed by the last mentioned Grant Deed a.distance of 360.17 feet more or less, to the northwest corner of that.certain parcel of land described by that particular Deed dated, November 1, 1939, and recorded November 18, 1939, in Book 901 at page 296, Official Records of Kern County; thence.continuing S.89°49~00"E-, along. the northerly boundary of said parcel of land as described in said last named lDeed, a distance of 25.00 feet,to intersect the westerly boundary of that certain parcel of land as .described by that particular Grant Deed dated October 8, 1940, and recorded November 7, 1940, in Book 969 at page 271, Official Records of Kern County; thence N.0°03~55"E., along the westerly boundary of last named parcel of land a distance of 19.00 feet to the northwest corner thereof; thence S.89°49'00"E., along the northerly boundary of said last named parcel oflland a distance of 285.17 feet, to intersect a line' parallel with and distant 20 feet westerly, as measured perpendicular to the easterly boundary of said Lot 15, said last named parallel line also being the westerly line of Houchin Road of 40 feet in width; thence southerly along last named parallel line, on and along said westerly .line of Houchin Road, to intersect the westerly prolongation of the southerly boundary of that certain parcel of land.described by that particular Grant Deed dated, March 26, 1947, and recorded April 11, 1947, in Book 1410, at pag~ 378, Official Records of Kern County, distant 172 feet northerly as measured at right angles to the.center-line of the County Road along .the. southerly boundary of Lot 16, in said Section 1, and as said Lot 16 is shown on the said "Kern County Sales.Map No. 1 of Lands of J. B. Haggin"; thence easterly along last named westerly prolongation and along said southerly boundary of that parcel of land described by last above named Grant.Deed, parallel with the center-line of last mentioned County Road, to intersect the easterly boundary of the West half (W.1/2) of said Lot 16, said last named intersection also being the southeast (S.E.) corner.of last.named parcel of land as.described by said last mentioned Grant Deed; thence northerly along the.easterly boundary of the last named parcel of land and along the northerly prolongation thereof, on and along the easterly boundary of the said West half.(W.1/2) of Lot 16, to the northeast (N.E.) corner of the North 90.5 feet of the northwest quarter (N.W.1/4) of said Lot 16, and as described by that certain Grant Deed dated August 10, 1938, and recorded August 16, 1938, in Book 819, at pag~ 232, Official Records of Kern County, said last named corner also being a point on the southerly boundary of TRACT NO. 1075, as per map of said TRACT NO. 1075 recorded July 30, 1938, in Book 4 of Maps at page 122 in the office of the said County Recorder; thence westerly along the southerly boundary of said TRACT NO. 1075 to intersect the easterly boundary of the West half.(W.1/2), of Lot 14, in said TRACT NO. 1075, as per Grant Deed dated, December 23, 1957, and recorded December 31, 1957, in Book2886 at page 288, Official Records of Kern County; thence northerly along last named easterly boundary to intersect the northerly boundary of said last named Lot 14; thence westerly to intersect the southerly prolongation of the westerly boundary of Lot 9 in said TRACT NO. 1075; thence northerly along said last named southerly prolongation and along said last named westerly boundary to the northwest (N.W.) corner of said Lot 9; thence easterly along the northerly boundary of said TRACT NO. 1075, to the northeast (N.E.)corner of Lot 1, in said TRACT NO. 1075, a point in the westerly line of Kern Island Road, of 60 feet in width, also known as South.'~" Street; thence southerly along said westerly line of-South '~" Street, parallel with~ and distant 30 feet westerly, as measured perpendicular to the easterly boundaryof said Section 1 to the northeast corner of the afore- said Lot 17 the point of beginning, containing 42,444 acres of land more or less. 8/18/60 Written byyj~~ Checked by Compared by -IApproved by