HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 92-60 . , I ~'. c' ~ 'f:o;(.. c. .. 11 RESOLUTION NO. 92--60 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALLING .Ii SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELEC- TION IN SAID CITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING . CERTAIN CHARTER AMENDMIDTTS TO THE ELECTORS, . ADOPTING THE FORM IN TNHICH sAID PROPOSED AMEND- MENTS SHALL APPEAR ON THE BALLOT, ORDERING' THE CONSOLIDATION OF SAID SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELEC- TION WITH THE STATE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 8, 1960, AND REQUESTIliG THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF KERN TO ORDER THE CONSOLIDATION OF SAID' ELECTIONS. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, that pursuant to law, a special municipal election'will be held on Tuesday, the 8th day of November, 1960, in the City of Bakersfield for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said City, certain proposed amendments to the Charter' of .the.Q-i ty . of Bakersfield. Said proposed amendments. to said city charter are in the words and figures as follow, to wit: pROPOSITION NO.1 OFFICERS APPOINTED BY THE COUNCIL. Section 34. The Council shall appoint the following officers: 1. City Manager, who mayor may not be a resident of the City at the time of his appointment., and whose term ot office shall be at ~ie pleasure of the Council. 2. Treasu.rer. 3. Assessor. 4. Oity Attorney, who shall serve by contraot for a period of four years from and after his appointment. 5. Clerk. _~_f>!. Audit()r. 7. Auditorium Manager, whose term of office shall be established by ordinance. 1. '\ . , " G.:~ . ".~ '~'. ..... ,~ CREATION AND ESTABLISHMENT OF CIVIL SERV~CE. Section (208) 1. There is hereby created and established Civil Service for all officers and employees in the Miscellaneous Departments of the City of Bakersfield excepting elective officers, the City Manager, the City AttorneYB the Auditorium Manager and members of all boards and commissions. The term Miscellaneous Departments as used herein shall include all departments of the City not otherwise 'provided for in this chartera BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said ,proposed amendments shall appear on the ballot in the following words and figures, to wit: PROPOSITION NO. 1 (A) OFFICERS APPOINTED BY THE COUNCIL (Section 34) and CREATION AND ESTABLISHMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE (Section (208) l). Shall Section 34 of the City YES Charter be amended to provide that the City Attorney shall be appointed to serve under con- tract for a period of four years from and after the date of his appointment and shall Section 34 be further amended to include the Auditorium I Manager, whose term of office shall be established; by ordinance; and shall Section (208) lof said i NO City Charter be amended to include the City . Attorney and the Auditorium Manag~r among those excepted from the provisions of Civil Service7 r .. . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said special municipal election be and the same is hereby ordered to be consolidated with the State General Election to be held on November 8, 1960, and the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern is hereby. requested to order such consolidation in accordance with the provisions of this resolution; that for the purpose of said special municipal election, the precincts, polling places, and officers of election within the City of Bakersfield shall be the same as those provided for said State General Election as more particularly set forth in the Notice of Election filed and 2a . , \. .,,-;',.;- !'~ ~ )' ~ 'fIi" published or to be filed and published by the County Clerk of the County of Kern, state of California, giving notice of said Election. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern is hereby authorized to canvass, or to delegate to the County Clerk authority to canvass, the returns of said special municipal election, and shall certify the result of the canvass of said returns to the Council of the City of Bakersfield, who shall thereupon declare the results thereof. --_....OOOIlllill..Ga...... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield ata regular meet- ing thereof held on the 22ndday of August; 1960, by the following vote: IWtS: BALFANZ, 8EI\'TLEY, (:;.~R~, ~~, CR.OES, DOOllfl!, STJERI~, /.) . ;. I ,.L~. NOES:_'~~7- .----~-~~~ ABSEifj:-.~....,-_.~~-=.:,,~:>~....., ,-+;~ c:-~s.c, MARIAN S. IRVIN City Clerk and. Ex-Officlo Clerk of the . Council of the City of Bakersfield. By ~~) 6 ing y Clerk of August, 19 0 . , " , _.-:'.....'~ ':,.' ". ...;., ..,~ " '. '-p a.