HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 66-60R~SOLUTXON N0o 66°60 WHERF~$~. a~ a Pegul~ meeting of the .Cit~y Co. .unci! of the Ci~y of Bakersfields. held ~e 27~ 1960~ zt which meeting ths~e ~as in ~ttend~nce nu~e~ous ~esidents of the City and ct ~hich meetl~ ths:~e ~s p~essnted to. the City Council ~nd the pub~icm by the District Enginse~ 6th D~Lst~iCt~ St~t~ Division of Highways~. the operational plan for the cons~ction of State Highway Route ~oKe~57 Bkd E~ ~o~.. as Highway 178 ~d ~~S~ the p~n ~s p~ssented by the District E~inesr p~o~ posi~ a stub freeway stP~ct~s ~t ~th end ~"M" Streets with the utilimation of 23~d and ~th Streets as one way streets indicates fHt~e f~ee~my co~ection to the west f~.om the stub and as such would be clzs~ed ~s sn extensive highway imp~o~ementp which would int.e~ssct M~ Lo.+Oheste~ Avenueo Y~ H~ G and F Streets in the C~nt~a~ Business District of the Ci~ and ~E~$~ studie~ p~ept~ed by J,. Wo Vicke~ Assistant High~ay E~inee~+ in.C~ge o~ p~ann~ng~ submitted to ~ G~ To McCoy~ State' Highway Enginee~ on ~nHs~y 25~ 1954 in a b~ochu~e entitled, "S~v.sy of Highway T~affic in the Bakersfield A~es" the ~eco~end~tion "t~t in mny ~cheme evo~edo the central business district should not be penetrated mo~$ deeply then at p~esent by ~ny ~~ highs,my t~rove~ ent ~'~ ~nd ~W~S~ at a regular meeti~ of the .C~ty Council September 8~ 1958o ~hereln a public heari~ by the California Hlgh~my Comission was w~i~ed by action of the Council in a fo~ to t~ee ~ote as ~ result of certain statements and representations m~de to the Cot~cil by the District ED~ineer ~ which- st~'~ements were ~ o ~ a dia~o~l~X ~-~euXd no~ be cona~Puc~ed ~o~h ~he' NiXes and 2~ St~eetm and ~ha~ pPioP ~o ~he use of NOW~ THER~FOREe DE XT RESOLVED~ by ~he OouaciX of the City of Bakersfield0 as That tkia Oou~uci~ ~equest of the Htgb.-~ay 0ommission of %he Sta~e of Oa~ifo~nia ~hi~ they authorize the State Division of EZgh~,~,aya to make ~ ~eatudy of Highway X78 That this OounctX ~-xtXX refuse to sign any f~ee~ay ~gPee~ent fo~ s~d-High~eay 178 until such a study' is mad~o ...... 000 .... ~ Z HEHEBY CERT~ ~hs, t the fox~sgoing R~solutio.~ was pssscd and adopted b;~ tho Co'~mc::~,~k cf ~hs Oit~' of B~.ks~sf~.s~d at a ~egu~.xTM xue~ti~ ~he~so~ hs3~d on the ~th da7 of ~:uXy 2,960~ by the foilo~i~g P, YES: BA~rrl~NS,, BENTLEY, CARNAKIS, COLUNS, CROES, DOOtlN, STIERI~, ABSENT: ~ Co~c~?~ of the 01~y of Bskersfie~do APPHOVE.~) tb~ts 5%h da'~ of july0 ~960o o