HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 50-60RESOLUTION,'NO. 50-60 WHEREAS, the State of Cali,~orni'a init.iated in 1921. a V~terans Farm and Home Program to-proVide returhe'd California service men and Women with homes and farms on a longsterm, low=interest basis; and .... WHEREAS~ in the past 39 years the..S~ate Has loaned its credit in the-sum of $1,'435,000,'000 .'to enable Cati£ornia veterans to finande homes and farms on a small-payment, low-cost plan; and " WHEREAS,-protection tj"th'e. taxpayer and widow' and. 8rphans o.f veteran purchasers has been provided through group insurance; and WHEREAS,-the Department of Veterans Affairs has so admini- stered this program that all payments due on those bond. issues and' all costs of. a~ministration have bee'n p~id withO'ut'the use o'f one Cent of tax:money, while creating'a subst'an.tial reserve and giving California veterans the' o~p0rtunity to acquire homes and farms under thS most ..~ favo~abie terms available anywhere. o~ anyhoW; and WHEREAS~ funds heretofore approved by..the people will soon be depIeted' by ~oans made and appliB.d for. NOW,~ THEREFORE,.LBE IT RESOhVED t~at the' City Coundil-of the City of Bakersfield does hereby endorse Proposition No~ 1 on the June ballot which provides $400~000,.000 of Veterans Bonds for the continu- ance of the California Veterans Farm and Home Program. o0o -I-HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolu~i0n was passed and adopted by the.COuncil of the City Of Bakersfield' at a' regular meeting -~hereof held on the 23rd d~y of May~ 1960~ by the'$ollowing vote: Ayes.: -.-B'alf~hz, Bentley~ Carnakis',[Collins~ CroeS, D~olin~ Stiern 'Noes: None Absent: None ' ' '¢x' '4' '" ' ' ' - '.' . CI ~a~d- -Offic~rk 'of ..... 00~-~" · . MAYO~ff the Cit~<t~f Bakersfield. f the