HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 46-60 RESOLUTION N.0. 46-60 RESOLUTION OF ~ COD]~CtL OF THE CITY OF" BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, OVERRULING PR©'- TESTS MADE IN COFNFCTI'0N WiTH RESOLUTION. OF INTF%JTI'CN N0.V49(C©NCERNING CERTAIN 'IMPROVEMENT WORK iN PUBLIC I]MPR~VE~IENT DISTRICT NO.. '7,'49 IN .SAYD .CITY. WHEREAS; certain p~otests were filed pr0'~esting against the ' do~'ng~of the' work.an~ improvement involved .i~ and. in aScotdance ~'i6h Resolution Of Intention No. 749, or ·against the assessment district; and:. ~]EREAS, the City Council. ~aS. carefully. considered -the protests 'and objections and have ,.considered the a~ea. Of the diStric't .represented by said pro'testS;' : ""' ,NOW', T~FG~, BE IT RESe[,VED by this· C~ty Council'. of the City :of Baker'Sfield that it does hereby find and de.termine that said pro·tests and objections have been made' by the owners.of l'ess than one-half of the area of ~he' '~roper~y to be assessed for·said'work and.improvement, as '." set forth in said Re solution 'of Intention No'. 749; and BE tT FUR~{ER RESOLVED that each and"al! :of the said prote's'ts and:objections be~ and the same are hereby,',overruled and ·denied. .......... 000 "'! HEREBY CERTIFY that the fore.going']Resolution was passed and 'adopted by ~he Council of the city of'Baker'sfield at a regular meeting ~hereof held on the 16th dan of May, 1960, by" the following vote: .j. · . F~'[S: 8ALFANZ, BENYE¥, CARNA~IS, COLLINS CROES, D00LIN, Council Of the City of BakerSfield'