HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 40-60 RESOLUTIQN NO.. ,40-60 " ' RESO ,U ON. OF TSS CCSNCiL OZ'C TY Of ' BAKERSF][E~.D, ORDERING THE. VACATION OF A. PORTZQN 0F JAI~S STREET~ 'EAST. 0F: Q STREET, ... IN' T~ CITY 0F BA~RSFZELD. W~EEAS~. 0n the llth da~ of April~ i~50~' the' COunCil of the Cit~ of Bakersfield, pursuant ~o ~He provisions of the ..~Stree~ Vaca- . tion Ac~ of 19~1,' beins DiviSion' 9~ Part ~ .of .~He 'stree~s..an~- waF.s co:de.of the State of California~ passe~ an~.a'6op~e6 its Resolu- tion of Zn~ention NO.' 7~0~ 6eclaring i'ts 'in~ention to o~der the vaca- tion ~-~ a por'~ion 0f James S~reet,~ ~East. of Q S~reet~ Ci~ of Babels- fields' Califo~nia~ and ~R~AS, said Council ~id-.fix a time and place rot hearing a!l 'persons interested in or. objecting..to said pro'pc'sod vacation,. . which s'ai~ hearing was held on' the: '2n~ Say of May,- 1960], after notices were 8uly poste~ as requireS' by l'~w~,.an'~ " " .~. '. , .., Wt~EAS, this Council after ~Uly c o'n~i~erLing ".the m&tt~r, .8co s "hereBy.~fin6 an~ resolve as .follows= -. - ... -- 1.. That that portion of James Str~.et, ~ituate i~the. City of Bakersfield', Counter of Karn, State' of Caiifornia,' S~ 6 'ga~s, Street being that 'certain unname8 strip of ian~ '60 feet in 'wi'~th, lying southwesterly of 'an8 parallel w'ith a~6 aSjace'nt .t~' the southwesterly rightTof-Way of 'the Southern Pacific Railroad, as s~own on the map of Homaker..Park, 'recor~e6 April 1; i91~, 'in B.o~k 3 'of Maps at page in the office 0f the County 'Recorder or said' Kern'CoU~ty.j more parti- cularly ~esc. ribe8 as follows, is xnecessa~ for present 'Or prospective public stree~ .pur:pDse.s: " 'n.- 'A'parcel ~t~ land 20 feet in width, as measured"n0rth- .'. eksterly from~ and perpendicular to the norttmas.terly. i. boundary.. of Block 21. said ·parceI or land. 20 feet in width being the southwesterly'20 feet of that. portion .... '~.f the above described' James ~IStreet~ which is bounded on the .west by the northerly prolongation of 'the easterly boundary of Q S'treet'-of'..82o~" fe:'et: in .w~d-th~ and bounded' on...the south by t'hs eaSterly.prolongation of.the northerly boundary of 26th Street of 2o~' fjet i~ 'width~ and as. said Block 21 and said Streets are shown on said map 'Of Hom.aker Par-k, retaining the northeasterly 8 feet o~ the' abdve descgib- ed parcel-of land 20 feet in width for the pD~pose of-a public utilities easement. 2. That said portion of James Street be and the same' is hereby closed up, vacated and abandoned for .public street purposes~ subject to and in-conformity' with the re'servaticns an~d 'exceptions contained in'and contemplated by said Resolution of i~tention' NO; 7~0~ Reference .to said Restlution of Intent'ion is hereby made for further particulars. 3.. The Cit'~ C]srk shall ce.r~ify to the passage of thi'S'Reso- lution and 'shalZ cause a certified copy hereof~ a~teste~ by the Clerk under the seal of the City, to be recorded in the iffi~e .of the. county Recorder If. the county of Kern, CSlif0rnia. ..... 0o0 ..... .. t '.~E, REBY'CERTIFY that the 'fbregoi~ng Resolution was. passed. and .'a~'opted by the COuncil of t~e City of Bake~sfield~ at a regular meeting there'of~ held on the 2nd day of M~y~ 19G0~.by'the .following'vote: STIEg~"'~, i Council of the City o'f Bakersfield'.